Being on the inside for over 26 years I can assure you that Bud Ginn is quite possiably the most powerful man in state politics. He has controlled everything ffrom state superintendent appointments to IHL appointments he has even influenced the commitee appointments in the legeslature at times. He was the most effective power player in USM lobbying for many years and his connections go all the way to the US Senate and House. His Grandmother's Nephew is Thad Cochran. He has brought millions of dollars to the University and has always been a company man.
He was raised by his parents who were sharecroppers and from that has become what he is today. You may not agree with him but you havde to respect him for his accomplishments. Yes his cousin is married to AKL at one time three of the sitting administrators in the dome were all related to AKL. Bud has a deep respect for the African American community and hates biggots with a passion. He is retired now from university life but still sits on a state evaluation team with the state department.
I have seen this man raise people to great status and destroy their very existance with a phone call. He prefers the former.