House Bill 246 requires the state to issue $125 million in bonds to fund construction projects on college campuses statewide. The measure, which heads to the Senate for consideration, includes:...
... University of Southern Mississippi: $9 million to buy land for a parking area and to move offices.
University of Southern Mississippi, Gulf Coast campus: $5 million for rebuilding....
I see that USM is to receive $9 million to construct new parking areas and move offices. By my calculations that is only 7.2% of the funds approved by the House.
Delta State is to receive 10.2%; MSU, 16.1%; Ole Miss, 11.2% - with the Medical School getting another 8.2%; and the College Board, 22.3%. Alas, the campus which probably needs a greater share of the bond money, USM-Gulf Coast, will garner only 4% of the whole.
The most significant problem presented by governments is that all are run by politicians. . . .