What has happened to the wonderful cabal of Trolls who (until recently) would so bravely risk humiliation and discredit by posting their vacuous ruminations on this honorable message board?
Is it possible that the emergence of the now-infamous Troll-O-Matic (that wonderful troll-grading machine that so handily folds, spindles, and mutilates their champagne-bubble thoughts) has caused them to flee in abject terror, forever relegating them to posting their scandelous screeds on Eagle Talk?
Perhaps we can lure them out from hiding under their rocks with a little song:
Where Have All The Trollies Gone?
Where have all the Trollies gone? / Long time passing,
Where have all the Trollies gone? / Long time ago,
Where have all the Trollies gone? / Gone to Gnome School every one!
When will they ever learn? / When will they ev - - er learn!
So come on out, you trolls! The Troll-O-Matic is oiled, lubricated, calibrated, and ready to wreck havoc!
quote: Originally posted by: Trollus Detectus in Extremis "What has happened to the wonderful cabal of Trolls who (until recently) would so bravely risk humiliation and discredit by posting their vacuous ruminations on this honorable message board?"
It's football season again. So they're off discussing the real reason that we have universities in Mississippi.
The only other possibility is that the trolls are having a retreat in Lower Alabama...