...Several new degree programs, including a master of engineering at Mississippi State, a master of education in educational leadership at Mississippi University for Women, a bachelor of arts in Chinese at Ole Miss and a bachelor of science in coaching education at the University of Southern Mississippi....
...Repairs to USM's Gulf Park campus in Long Beach to get the Hurricane Katrina-damaged campus ready for classes in January....
So Ole Miss adds Chinese, arguably the important language of the 21st century, and we add coaching education (certainly a worthy field but one that doesn't produce players on the world scene). Makes you believe those conspiracy theories.
Interested onlooker wrote: So Ole Miss adds Chinese, arguably the important language of the 21st century, and we add coaching education (certainly a worthy field but one that doesn't produce players on the world scene). Makes you believe those conspiracy theories.
My suspicion, for its worth, is that the parochialism that fails to see the point you make is here at home . . . if we had a forward looking globalist outlook on educating USM students, we might have put together the program ourselves. I think the Board is letting us do what we request rather than pushing us in particular directions . . . . if we see ourselves as a glorified technical school, then who are they to argue?
I agree with you, Stephen. I sort of made the Kerry "botched" joke. Nevertheless, this is yet another way the appointment of SFT in 2002 has affected USM. No matter the vision of the faculty, it is the president who leads in establishing this "forward looking globalist outlook"
P.S. I love sports. I don't disparage that degree at all. I just want us to have Chinese, some Arabic languages, etc. too.
My suspicion, for its worth, is that the parochialism that fails to see the point you make is here at home . . . if we had a forward looking globalist outlook on educating USM students, we might have put together the program ourselves. I think the Board is letting us do what we request rather than pushing us in particular directions . . . . if we see ourselves as a glorified technical school, then who are they to argue?
Yes, and the IHL Board let a handful of USM boosters pick their president last time. The damage to USM has been largely self-inflicted.