Any teacher who breaks the law should be dismissed. Getting rid of him was a courageous decision. There is a little thing out there called the Privacy Act that he was in clear violation of. Personally, I think he got off easy. He allowed people to think he was a chair of a department who was conducting an employment background check on an instructor who applied for a position within the department. Dvorak never applied, and she never gave him permission to use her social security number to investigate her employment background. There is no doubt in my mind he should have been terminated.
He got insulted because he could not give a good friend tenure like he wanted to, so he took it upon himself to attack the administration in any way possible. His subesquent and correct termination led to a bitter and self-serving campaign to have President Thames removed.
Please take your divise drivel elsewhere (I suggest the non-sports thread on Eagle Talk; they really like ridiculous rhetoric over there).
Oh, and I'll give Gary a call to tell him you said "hi"--IN HIS NEW OFFICE AT TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY! (didn't realize that they rewarded so-called "criminal activity" with HIGH-PAYING, TENURE-TRACK JOBS AT WELL-RESPECTED UNIVERSITIES).
(This wanton capitalization brought to you courtesy of someone who has a clue).
The closer it gets to Stringer leaving for one of the most prestigious public universities in the country, the harder it gets for the gang that can't shoot straight.
By the way, lG, go read the transcripts. They are readily available.
I fatigue of this incessant FUD. If you repeat a lie enough, we are told, people will believe it.
Do your homework, "little GIANT." Every point you have parrotted has been rebutted repeatedly. At the moment, I don't feel like "going through all those things twice."
<OBLIGATORY DYLAN QUOTE> "Look around you. It's bound to make you embarrassed." </OBLIGATORY DYLAN QUOTE>
I agree with the other posters that this thread is useless. As was discussed on the old FS board, if you actually read the federal Privacy Act, it is very difficult to see how Dr. Stringer's conduct implicates any of its provisions. The Privacy Act applies to the treatement of information by federal agencies and their employees and officers.
Just because SFT said it happened doesn't necessarily make it so.
Also, as others have pointed out, if you believe what you say, then why aren't you leading the charge against LSM who provided the same information to WDAM apparently without Dvorak's permission.
If Stringer had been guilty of any violation of law, he would have been prosecuted. But since we are on this subject, do you therefore think that Shelby Thames should also be dismissed, since he authorized---ordered---the deans to break federal and state law when he told them to refuse to cooperate with requests for information under the FOI laws?
quote: Originally posted by: little GIANT "Any teacher who breaks the law should be dismissed. Getting rid of him was a courageous decision. There is a little thing out there called the Privacy Act that he was in clear violation of. Personally, I think he got off easy. He allowed people to think he was a chair of a department who was conducting an employment background check on an instructor who applied for a position within the department. Dvorak never applied, and she never gave him permission to use her social security number to investigate her employment background. There is no doubt in my mind he should have been terminated. He got insulted because he could not give a good friend tenure like he wanted to, so he took it upon himself to attack the administration in any way possible. His subesquent and correct termination led to a bitter and self-serving campaign to have President Thames removed. This is the way this whole mess started. "
quote: Originally posted by: DCeagle " As was discussed on the old FS board, if you actually read the federal Privacy Act, ......"
I am not taking sides on this, so do not take this the wrong way. I just want to let you know that Mississippi has its own version of the federal privacy act. You should not assume the original poster was talking about the federal privacy act.
In my legal experience, when someone uses the term "Privacy Act", they are referring to the federal Privacy Act. (As an aside, FOIA typically refers to the federal Freedom of Information Act as opposed to the Mississippi Open Records Act but people do tend to say they submitted a "FOIA" request no matter which statute serves as the basis for the request.) I am not aware of Mississippi having a statute with the shortened title "Privacy Act" although I believe that Mississippi does have criminal statutes that deal with the misuse of personal information. I am not a Mississippi lawyer, but from what I have been told by colleagues and from looking at the applicable statute briefly, it is hard to see how Dr. Stringer's conduct implicated any of the Mississippi laws either.
As other posters have stated, this is a dead issue. It seems as though SFT promoted the criminal activity idea to discredit GS and FG and strengthen his position publically before all of the facts were known, and SFT's supporters simply parrot the notion without any actual knowledge of the law (federal or Mississippi).
quote: Originally posted by: noel polk "If Stringer had been guilty of any violation of law, he would have been prosecuted."
"If Stringer had been guilty of any violation of law, he would have been prosecuted."
the real reason civil charges were not brought forward is because the vice president cares more about this university than any of you. as soon as the president presented his evidence at the hearings, stringer and glamser tucked in their tail and headed for the high road. the fact that stringer got a job somewhere else is perfect proof why the tenure system needs be reformed. all you faculty stick together and watch each other's backs. you dont care about usm and you never will.
quote: Originally posted by: by yea right again " "If Stringer had been guilty of any violation of law, he would have been prosecuted." the real reason civil charges were not brought forward is because the vice president cares more about this university than any of you. as soon as the president presented his evidence at the hearings, stringer and glamser tucked in their tail and headed for the high road. the fact that stringer got a job somewhere else is perfect proof why the tenure system needs be reformed. all you faculty stick together and watch each other's backs. you dont care about usm and you never will. "
Angie, honey, we've told you time and time one wants to buy any of your "economic development" snake oil here! If you really want a sell, please try Eagle Talk as they are gullible enough.
"If Stringer had been guilty of any violation of law, he would have been prosecuted." all you faculty stick together and watch each other's backs. "
Ok for the first time ever, I believe a quote of the week award should go to an opposing voice. This is wonderful. Also, I appreciate all you people who don't care about USM and never will, and just give your lives to it for ... what? The money? The prestige? The community support?