The less said in a public forum, the better. Anything you say can be used against you, twisted, deliberately misinterpreted, misquoted, and used to make you think you've lost your mind. The most innocuous, ordinary remarks and actions will be made to seem the machinations of an evil plotter. (I was called a liar to my face in my own living room, by a defense attorney.) God be with you through this, you will need every drop of your energy. Do not waste it here.
Webmaster, under the circumstances, you could delete this thread too. I had my doubts about the alleged MW posts as well, they had a hysterical undertone that struck me as very odd.
I agree that people need to be aware of what they say (write) in a public forum, but I can't help but wonder if the mention of supoenas on another thread were a veiled threat. Maybe I'm just paranoid, but things on the board seem to be getting a little outlandish these days.
EIC, I think you are right. Offbase Prof is a smarter troll, albeit still a troll (a troll that can spell!). His (her?) whole purpose is to disrupt this board, and s/he is giving it all s/he has right now. Threats of subpoenas are just the latest in his/her long line of "veiled threats" (remember, this is the person who took it upon her/himself to write the AAUP national president to get this board shut down, but gave up because s/he forgot to put enough postage on the package and it got returned. So much for persistence!).
Our best bet is to ignore the veiled threats and wanton capitalization of these trolls.