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daily rumor mill #76
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1. grapevine reports hearing a certain story a couple of times (or more) this summer.  As the tale goes, SFT asked GL to contact all private retirement "vendors" that service USM about the possibility of receiving USM's "payments to vendors" at the end of each quarter, rather than monthly ("payments to PERS" would continue to be paid monthly).  Such a "plan" would allow USM to retain faculty/staff retirement contributions for an extra 15 to 90 days (approx.).  gorod can neither confirm nor deny this, but does admit to having heard it (once) in the last week or so.  Sounds dangerous.  Those with private retirement packages need to watch your quarterly statements closely this coming year (thanks for the advice doughboy).  Thanks grapevine, gorod and doughboy.

2. Stories of deceit and intrigue coming out of the CBED.  According to a recent package from envelope, KM went to Moss Point and signed up about 30 executive MBA students for a distance executive (-type) MBA program in Jackson County.  This move means that his boss (or his subordinate?) HD will have to all but coerce several CBED faculty to staff the new program for the next 1-2 years (at least).  This move will "further increase 'the love' that ..." CBED faculty feel for their leader (HD).  One angle has this KM move as part of a master plan to do just that --- increase 'the love' CBEDers have for HD.  If so, what a move on KM's part.  As part of this angle, KM has reportedly heard HD's bragging of "bringing down TH" and apparently would delight at testing HD's mettle again.  We'll see --- can't wait actually.  Thanks again envelope.

3.  More of insider's e-mail about yesterday's graduation:  "...I wonder if anyone else noticed what I noticed?  Thames actually admitted to possibly making a mistake when, at the beginning of commencement, he pointed out how warm the building was and suggested that moving from Reed Green might not have been the best idea.  I was floored!!!  This was the first time I ever recall hearing words of err/apology from him, granted it was only about the graduation venue and not about pushing Glamser and Stringer out the door....."  Thanks insider.

4. Tales that after making a few "cold calls" USM admissions people are discovering that many of their "admitted students" are enrolling elsewhere.  I guess admissions are up, but cold call news is down.  Thanks gorod. 

Bowl of Cherries

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Originally posted by: gurunuburg

"2. Stories of deceit and intrigue coming out of the CBED.  According to a recent package from envelope, KM went to Moss Point and signed up about 30 executive MBA students for a distance executive (-type) MBA program in Jackson County.  This move means that his boss (or his subordinate?) HD will have to all but coerce several CBED faculty to staff the new program for the next 1-2 years (at least).  This move will "further increase 'the love' that ..." CBED faculty feel for their leader (HD).  One angle has this KM move as part of a master plan to do just that --- increase 'the love' CBEDers have for HD.  If so, what a move on KM's part.  As part of this angle, KM has reportedly heard HD's bragging of "bringing down TH" and apparently would delight at testing HD's mettle again.  We'll see --- can't wait actually.  Thanks again envelope.  "


With the help of Shelby Thames, the COO is staging a coup?  Congratulations CBED, sometimes you do get just what you ask for!


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Originally posted by: Bowl of Cherries

"   With the help of Shelby Thames, the COO is staging a coup?  Congratulations CBED, sometimes you do get just what you ask for!"

This is really funny.  A bunch of faculty who are paid $80,000 + being upset over driving to meet the customers needs.  I am sure they are going to love the COO.  This is funny, I mean really funny.

Bowl of Cherries

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Originally posted by: Rallph

"This is really funny.  A bunch of faculty who are paid $80,000 + being upset over driving to meet the customers needs.  I am sure they are going to love the COO.  This is funny, I mean really funny."

It's going to be REALLY funny when the Kenbot replaces faculty with adjuncts in his unaccredited programs! 


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Mama always said be careful what yol ask for.  Maybe mama  was right.

Bowl of Cherries

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What percentage of the Phoenix University faculty is tenure track - does anyone know?

Empty Bowl

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Originally posted by: Bowl of Cherries

"What percentage of the Phoenix University faculty is tenure track - does anyone know?"

Someone told me that both of them are tenure track

Bowl of Cherries

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Originally posted by: Bowl of Cherries

"What percentage of the Phoenix University faculty is tenure track - does anyone know?"

Silly me, I'll answer my own question.  What difference does that possibly make at USM? 

Roy, you've got a new friend. 

COAL proved too tough, CEM has the golden girl plus there's a history of educating teachers, COH has a very specialized niche (that might fit in well with our NIH funding plans) and COST is sacrosanct.  Let's go after CBED - they all hate each other anyway.

Bowl of Cherries

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Originally posted by: Bowl of Cherries

" CEM"



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Originally posted by: Bowl of Cherries

"What percentage of the Phoenix University faculty is tenure track - does anyone know?"

 The same as USM given the effectiveness of protecting Stringer and Glamser.  So tenure does not matter at either place.  How many make $80,000 + faculty at Phoenix University?  You know bowl of Cherres all of this does not matter because those that are mobile are going to leave and the rent seekers will be left behind.  Good bye mobile facultly.  Pack the bags and be gone and for god's sakes quit telling us how mobile you are.   Put up or shut up as we say in Misouri.  Bye Bye

Bowl of Cherries

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Originally posted by: Ralph

" Put up or shut up as we say in Misouri.  Bye Bye"

Pack up or shut up is probably the better expression.  You are correct and we agree. 

Empty Bowl - I'm done but that was right on!!!

bb mac

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Ralph, they've been doing that in droves.  You should check out babbs' list some time.


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Originally posted by: bb mac

"Ralph, they've been doing that in droves.  You should check out babbs' list some time."

It is not the ones who are gone that amaze me but the one's who are still in CBED screaming about how important they are to CBED and then railing against the "rent seekers".  My advise is for the them is to leave but they just stay and complain about their abuse and how they can leave when they wish.  Hey if the place is pretty bad and you can leave, then leave and quit dumping on the poor slobs who can not leave or quit pretending that you can leave when you can't.  Hypocracy is not very pretty and is a little dishonest.  Rather convoluted but probable captures my thoughts.

Empty Bowl

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Originally posted by: Ralph

"Hey if the place is pretty bad and you can leave, then leave and quit dumping on the poor slobs who can not leave or quit pretending that you can leave when you can't. 

Sounds to me as if Ralph might be sympathetic to the board's primary thrust, but at the same time Ralph might be realistic. Those two positions are not necessarily inconsistent one with another.


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Originally posted by: Ralph

"Hypocracy is not very pretty and is a little dishonest.  Rather convoluted but probable captures my thoughts."

I knew it was a matter of time before the Deadheads showed up here & started debating the meaning of Hypnocracy. But is not hypnocracy none other than the quest to discover the meaning of hypnocracy?

From Robert Hunter's Hypnocracy Newsletter No. 12:

"St. Dilbert," the bolo is said to have asked, "you have often spoken of the broad categories into which most all men fall; to wit: the Bozos, the Bimbos, the Bolos, Yoyos and Dilberts. Pray tell me from what bases these distictions arrive?"

"Well, my boy, roughly it falls this way. The Bozo is trusty when he's tied. A Bolo is broad but not very deep. A Bimbo looks twice but never leaps. A Dilbert, on the other hand, will have lit a match between your toes while you ponder subjects such as these."

Smelling smoke, the Bolo looked down to see that his penn

As Abbie Hoffman wrote shortly before his death, "Fight the absurd with the absurd."


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Smelling smoke, the Bolo looked down to see that his penny loafers were indeed ablaze. (Oops)


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Originally posted by: Ralph

"It is not the ones who are gone that amaze me but the one's who are still in CBED screaming about how important they are to CBED and then railing against the "rent seekers".  My advise is for the them is to leave but they just stay and complain about their abuse and how they can leave when they wish.  Hey if the place is pretty bad and you can leave, then leave and quit dumping on the poor slobs who can not leave or quit pretending that you can leave when you can't.  Hypocracy is not very pretty and is a little dishonest.  Rather convoluted but probable captures my thoughts."

Ralph, who are you talking about?  Who are the "rent seekers" and who won't leave even after complaining?

Ralph of the honey mooners

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Originally posted by: dream

"Ralph, who are you talking about?  Who are the "rent seekers" and who won't leave even after complaining?"

You, maybe.  Rather misquoted me.  Twist the trueth over and over again.  Dishonest yet again. Lie and lie agian and then it may become the trueth, at least toyou and yours.  Get real, if not with me at least with yourself, anythingless is hypocracy.  I'm done with this, smoke it, or what ever, but grow up.

Say What?

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Originally posted by: dream

"Ralph, who are you talking about? "

Ralph, WHAT are you talking about?

Could we get Chess back in here to translate?


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Is the word this guy is trying to spell "hypocrisy" or "hypnocracy?"

Either way, he's coming off as a "deadhead."

It's hypocritical to pretend to be an authority on education or the administration of educational institutions if one doesn't at least attempt to spell common words correctly. That's just my worth. Your mileage may vary.

"Truth," by the way, does not contain an "e."


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Originally posted by: Say What?

" Ralph, WHAT are you talking about?"

I am talking about dream and his ability to twist what one has said to achieve some purverted end.  Hey, you might be dream reincarnated as a troll.  Bowl of cheries and empty  bowel know of which I speak.  You of course are in denial or engaged in hypocracy with your mistatement of what I said.  Liers and hypocrates will continue to consume CBED. Twisht the trueth and hang someone with it could be the motto.  "Your daughter is a w...."  Play it agian Sam.  I will play if you are game but know that I play hard, very hard.

Queen of Spelling

I say Ralph, you say Ralf
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Originally posted by: Ralph

"I am talking about dream and his ability to twist what one has said to achieve some purverted end.  Hey, you might be dream reincarnated as a troll.  Bowl of cheries and empty  bowel know of which I speak.  You of course are in denial or engaged in hypocracy with your mistatement of what I said.  Liers and hypocrates will continue to consume CBED. Twisht the trueth and hang someone with it could be the motto.  "Your daughter is a w...."  Play it agian Sam.  I will play if you are game but know that I play hard, very hard."

Gets my vote for most egregious and flagrant misuse of standard English grammar and spelling rules on this board to date.  The Queen's eyes are crossed just looking at it.

Favorite mistake:  "empty bowel" 


RE: daily rumor mill #76
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The posts from R. get more and more incoherent and tangled as the evening progresses. Sounds like demon rum to me.


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Please accept my appologies on my spelling. I am not a very good typist and when I write I suffer overwhelming anger at the post I am often responding.  I will work to hold the anger and will use a dictionary.  Please be patient and a little tolerant, if possible.  My daughter chastises me severly for my typing.  I of course subscribe ot the Jefferson quote, " how me a man who can not find more than one way to spell a word and I will show you am an who is not to damned smart."  So , Please accept my appologies and my plea for tolerance on my spelling.   I will have my daughter proof read my responses.   



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Originally posted by: LVN

"The posts from R. get more and more incoherent and tangled as the evening progresses. Sounds like demon rum to me."



RE: I say Ralph, you say Ralf
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Originally posted by: Queen of Spelling

"Gets my vote for most egregious and flagrant misuse of standard English grammar and spelling rules on this board to date.  The Queen's eyes are crossed just looking at it. Favorite mistake:  "empty bowel" "

"Empty Bowel" actually sounds like a good one for the "Let's Play Password!" thread.

Obi-Wan's Meaner Brother

RE: daily rumor mill #76
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I believe professors at USM have the following job description:

60% Teaching      

30% Research       

10% Service

Now, on a 40 hour week, that works out to

24 hours of teaching-related activity

12 hours of research-related activity

4 hours of service-related activity

If you teach three classes of three hours each, you have 9 hours in the classroom.  Add to that the 9 hours of office hours recommended plus two hours per week per class for preparation, and, ... we're up to our allotted 24 hours!  That doesn't include grading homework, exams, extra review sessions, extra office hours, answering questions via telephone calls placed to a prof's home phone, answering questions at the grocery store or the bar or the movies or wherever a student feels it is his or her right to ask his or her question.

12 hours per week of research...that works out to less than 2 hour and 25 minutes per day (5-day work week)....  Yet, the current administration expects "world-class" output from that measly allocation of time to research.  How much time does a flagship institution like Ole Miss, LSU, Arkansas, or Alabama allot for its faculty to do research?  About 4 hours and 45 minutes per day!  That's right...research institutions can expect better results because they give their faculties more time for research.

4 hours per week of organizational meeting takes up an hour per week.  Advising students (formally or informally) takes about an hour to two hours per week.  Committee work will take you over the top of the 4 hours per week allotted for service activities.

My point?  Most professors don't skimp on their students.  Whatever it takes to teach a good class and to help students learn will be done.  I would wager that many USM faculty members spend IN EXCESS of 40 hours per week on teaching.  How do they get their research done?  They work at night, on weekends, during the summer, and/or on holidays.  That's right, Ralph!  While you're spending Thanksgiving pigging out and drinking beer with your family and buddies, many professors at USM are holed up somewhere trying to finish a research paper, a novel, a piece of music, whatever.  They do their service as required, but RESEARCH is what gets you tenured at a university.  By allowing faculty to leave unreplaced, SFT has assured that more time will be spent on teaching.  Putting higher and higher levels of expectations for research and, yes, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT/GRANT WRITING (how dumb is that??) will only serve to further overwork an already-overworked faculty.

Why don't CBED profs want to go to the coast to teach a "special" MBA program?  They already have full teaching loads.  They won't get paid more for doing more work.  Their research will have to slide, as will their hopes for tenure and/or promotion. 

How about this, Ralph--I'll give you a 40-hour-a-week job.  I'll pay you based on 40 hours per week.  Then I'll tell you to start working more for no more pay.  Then, when you forget to do something I told you to do because you were too busy doing something else I told you to do, I'll fire your butt.  Would you complain?  Hell yes.  Would you even take the job if you knew the outcome?  I didn't think so.  You'd run the other way screaming bloody murder all the way.

You'd better rethink (or, in your case, think) your position.  It's obvious you have no idea what a professional does.  You punch a clock and go have a cold one.  I stay until the job's done, whether it's 5 o'clock or midnight or later.  I go to work early.  I stay late.  Sometimes I do both for several days in a row.  Or several weeks in a row.  I miss my family members' birthdays or anniversaries because of university scheduled events (like holding graduation on a Monday afternoon).  I don't get a contract in a right-to-work state until two weeks before I am to begin working.  I am offered a puny raise (less than increases in the cost of living) and am expected to kiss somebody's foot out of gratitude.  I haven't even had a real raise in over 5 years.  My car gets keyed when I fail a lazy student.  I can't enjoy a USM event, because students themselves cannot separate "work" from "personal life" with respect to faculty.

You have no idea what I'm talking about, do you Ralph?  It goes deeper than your poor spelling, grammar, and total disregard for proper use of capitalization in an internet setting.  You don't understand the "real world" for which you purport to speak.  I think somebody ought to kick your butt for posting something so stupid on this board.



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Originally posted by: ralph

Please accept my appologies on my spelling. I am not a very good typist and when I write I suffer overwhelming anger at the post I am often responding.  I will work to hold the anger and will use a dictionary.  Please be patient and a little tolerant, if possible.

I understand. Actually, I just like to have fun with "hypocracy" (which is a rather common misspelling of "hypocrisy"), particularly because "hypnocracy" was a major part of the Grateful Dead religion. And if you want to see really butchered spelling, consult Robert Hunter's Hypnocracy Newsletters. While it looks like "hypnocracy" ought to be some sort of "rule by hypnotism," it's more obfuscated than that.

It is always good to contain anger when posting to a bulletin board. It can really get you into a mess. I speak from grievous personal experience.

I'm going to assume that you have something to contribute. But beware that bad spelling & angry posts are taken by many of the "old hands" as the marks of a troll - someone who has no higher intent than to disrupt things.

Sorry if I came off as heavy-handed. As I said before, I like to have fun with hypnocracy.

Done Gone

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Well said, Obi-Wan's Big Brother!!

If I can humbly add to your post . . .

There is more, Ralph. While others were snoozing off a hangover during class in high school and perhaps college, current faculty members were busting their tails for no money, earning good grades and looking to go to graduate school. In graduate school they ponied up another 4 to 8 (or more) years of long hard work in abject poverty. When people graduate with graduate degrees, they often have $100K or more in academic debt and can look forward to more training as a post-doc (another low-paying gig) or work for a meager asst. prof. salary. Oh, and when they get to be asst. prof. (usually after 2-4 years as a post-doc) they get to continue to work hard all the time (see above), and hope that they do not step on the toes of anyone (which is just about anyone) who might black ball them come tenure-time.

Now to tenure and a little more math. 2 tracks:

Govt. Worker (most any title will do)         Professor

4 yrs college                                        4 yrs college, work hard, get grades, kiss up

get job, make $20K/yr                            get into grad school (no pay), kiss up

work 6 years (40 hr week),$30K               work 6 years (> 80hr weeks) for degree, kiss-up 

seniority for 6 years                               get degree, post-doc (1st living-wage job), kiss-up

work 2 more years, raises ($32K)              2yr post-doc (~$25K), kiss-up

work 5 more years, seniority, etc. ($38K)   asst prof position ($40K/yr),workhard,(see above)

                                                          Get tenure, MAYBE

total time: 17 years                                total time: 17 years


(1) Who risked more?

(2) Who worked harder?

(3) Who still has academic debt and only 5 years in a retirement plan?

(4) Who can be fired more readily? (a) Govt. Worker, (b) Tenured Prof.

Lamont Cranston

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Originally posted by: Done Gone

"Well said, Obi-Wan's Big Brother!! If I can humbly add to your post . . . There is more, Ralph. While others were snoozing off a hangover during class in high school and perhaps college, current faculty members were busting their tails for no money, earning good grades and looking to go to graduate school. In graduate school they ponied up another 4 to 8 (or more) years of long hard work in abject poverty. When people graduate with graduate degrees, they often have $100K or more in academic debt and can look forward to more training as a post-doc (another low-paying gig) or work for a meager asst. prof. salary. Oh, and when they get to be asst. prof. (usually after 2-4 years as a post-doc) they get to continue to work hard all the time (see above), and hope that they do not step on the toes of anyone (which is just about anyone) who might black ball them come tenure-time. Now to tenure and a little more math. 2 tracks: Govt. Worker (most any title will do)         Professor 4 yrs college                                        4 yrs college, work hard, get grades, kiss up get job, make $20K/yr                            get into grad school (no pay), kiss up work 6 years (40 hr week),$30K               work 6 years (> 80hr weeks) for degree, kiss-up  seniority for 6 years                               get degree, post-doc (1st living-wage job), kiss-up work 2 more years, raises ($32K)              2yr post-doc (~$25K), kiss-up work 5 more years, seniority, etc. ($38K)   asst prof position ($40K/yr),workhard,(see above)                                                           Get tenure, MAYBE total time: 17 years                                total time: 17 years Ralph, (1) Who risked more? (2) Who worked harder? (3) Who still has academic debt and only 5 years in a retirement plan? (4) Who can be fired more readily? (a) Govt. Worker, (b) Tenured Prof."

Done Gone,

I like your analysis. Very much. I agree with all of it except one thing: the "kiss up" part. That may very well be true at USM, but it was definitely not the case with other schools with which I have been affiliated. There, one could have honest differences of opinion - to other faculty within and without the department, to the chair, to the dean, to the VP, or to the president - and express those views fully and freely. On the other hand, al of those I worked for at those institutions were honorable people. I feel for the person who must begin or continues their academic career in a "suck up" environment.

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