Moving Mississippi forward economically through its higher education system is at the heart of the search process to find a new president for the University of Southern Mississippi - and attracting a top-notch candidate pool comes first, state College Board officials said Friday....
Meredith: "You can't play around with something like this - it's just too important," he said.
"With all the employees out there whose careers depend on this, and 15,000 students - someone is either going to mess it up or make it better. The stakes are just too high." Wow!! The IHL Board sure learned a lot over the past few years. What an expensive education that was! Well, we had a pres. that "messed it up" so now how about one to "make it better"?
This seems unnecessary given Thames spectacular record that shows he will follow the rules and conventions. Just consider
How much he respects the university chain of command - he would never consider by passing a provost, or a dean, or a chair to do what ever he wants.
How much he respects the faculty handbook - he would never try to circumvent due process
How much he respects shared governance - he would never consider moving forward without the best interests of the faculty and students being thoroughly considered.
How well he plays the "proper role" in the department he will return to - he would never consider consider bypassing rules to use his position of president to hurt those he does not like
How much his old department is looking forward to his return - they are thrilled to have his world class scientific presence and collegial attitude back full time in their midst.
Its obvious, the man has been done wrong, he is a warm and fuzzy little gnome who always follows all of the rules.
but of course they usually border on being looney! Shelby would fit quite well into the second link.
Should have included a dripping with sacasm disclaimer
This message is indorsed by the Flat Mississippi Society, dedicated to proving we don't live on a ball and that wurl civilization stops at our borders.