Hey folks! Since the response to the first single from H-Do and the Canebrake Posse was overwhelmingly positive, I thought I'd give you snippets from one of the other tracks on the album. The track features H-Do and a subset of the Posse, known as the CAC (Creative Accounting Crew). The track is titled "Cover Yo Azz." Members of the CAC include Roddy Rod, Jimmy C, and Poke Money, one of the few female members of the Posse.
"Cover Yo Azz" by H-Do and the CAC (excerpted)
Can I get a what! what!
Ever-body raise da roof!
CAC, lay it down for me.
Roddy Rod:
Back in Hot Coffee, I learned my lesson.
I spit it back out when my church is in session.
Students know how I play the game
When they sign up for accounting they ask for me by name.
My highest praise, I gets da raise
And all of my students they gets them A's.
Poke Money:
Well I'm Poke Money, the love bunny,
The rump shaker, the heartbreaker.
I ain't got no creds but I stay around.
Cause I'm known real well all over town.
How dare you say that about Jimmy C?
Don't you know he loves serving over me?
Jimmy C:
Jimmy C with the master p
Got the whole damn world lookin' for me
The Foot N Tick that's where it's at
An A-level pub? What the hell is that?
I'll knock you down! Try to make you cry!
Hell, I don't even know nothin' 'bout the FBI.
That's the CAC
In back of me.
Don't make no calls
Don't send no trucks
Don't mail no letters
I won't pick 'em up. {Repeat This Line Until Music Fades}
Remember, folks—the album's on sale 11/31/2004! Preorders accepted now at Best Buy!
quote: Originally posted by: Lou Pearlman "Poke Money: Well I'm Poke Money, the love bunny, The rump shaker, the heartbreaker. I ain't got no creds but I stay around. Cause I'm known real well all over town.
You sir are no gentleman. You should be ashamed of yourself. I bet your mother would be real proud of you right now. Your sexiam and raceism are offensive to say the least.
quote: Originally posted by: A gentlemas "You sir are no gentleman. You should be ashamed of yourself. I bet your mother would be real proud of you right now. Your sexiam and raceism are offensive to say the least."
What your ignorance keeps you from seeing is he (or she)speaks the truth. The absolute ugliness of the situation is the truth. If you are bright, then you worked hard and helped make yourself bright. Likewise, if you are a buffoon, or worse, then who is to blame?
You are assuming facts here: are you sure of the author's race, sex, and nationality? Sounds to me like you are guilty of the conduct you accuse this author of. Free speech is for all, within certain limits, and this post certainly did not exceed those limits. If you do not like it, do not read it. Try getting a life.
quote: Originally posted by: Swift Justice "Try getting a life."
Dear Lou, Postmaster Swift Justice et al, You sir not only are violent, a racist and sexist, you also appear to have multiple personalities as you post under many different names. Get a life--just one.
I hear one of the members of the Posse is about to take his act solo, and start playing at a venue across town. Dont' think he'll do so well alone though. Let's wait and see.
quote: Originally posted by: A gentleman "Dear Lou, Postmaster Swift Justice et al, You sir not only are violent, a racist and sexist, you also appear to have multiple personalities as you post under many different names. Get a life--just one."
It is an understatement to say that I am surprised (shocked and profoundly disappointed are probably better words) by the pure ugliness on this board. I've been watching the Doty bashing for months. It's been nasty - never substantive, never professional - just nasty. Then the criticism, once stated, has been repeated as if it were fact. The digs at other CBEDers have also been cheap shots, aimed at amusement, again without substance or detail. Now, a known and self-acknowledged racist is choosing to target an african american administrator, widely known for high ethical standards. This was started months ago, but the insults were at least subtle then - probably not picked up by those who didn't know the history and the players. Now he also attacks women professionals with sexual innuendo? When does it end? The CBED threads alone are enough to swing an impartial public in favor of Shelby's mandate to clean house. If young colleagues are choosing to leave this cesspool, who could blame them? Can you imagine starting your career in this? I am tired of people I know to be reasonable allowing this to go on. Shared governance is also shared responsibility. Show some. The CBEDers know who the posters are... Why would our friends in the community want faculty members like these teaching their (our) children? If it is not the role of the AAUP moderator to keep this garbage off the board then perhaps the old-time posters can do a better job of promoting self-regulation.
Always a useful tactic to try to divert attention when the light shows things that you do not want to be seen.
If you believe someone is racist, and you claim they admit they are racist, why not out them now? That may end this. Quit being an apologist, unless you are trying to apologize for your actions. I believe that everyone would want only the "high road" discussions, but the frequent "low road" treatment of faculty can lead to venting. Is that not one use for this board? Again, if you do not like it, stay away.
quote: Originally posted by: Sheriff of Rottingham " It's been nasty - never substantive, never professional - just nasty. Then the criticism, once stated, has been repeated as if it were fact. "
Rottingham, you are very much on target. A major part of the tragedy is the number of faculty who are willing to allow these things to be said and then snicker in the hall way. Others twist the trueth and repeat it over and over and over. To denigrate individual's character as a sport is sad. If HD leaves tomorrow, CBED will still be a sad place. Good people have stepped aside and allowed evil to reign.
quote: Originally posted by: FIN Prof "I wish whomever is posting this garbage would cut it out. In light of recent events, HD should be given a chance to pull the CBED out of its rut."
What recent events? Nevermind.
I believe almost everyone wants to see Dr. Doty make positive strides in and for the CBED. Some are willing to help. I certainly hope all of you posting your feelings of concern are helping the CBED in a positive way and not merely wringing your hands. Many are looking for signs that anything positive is being worked on by him and his. I will be watching, perhaps helping, but not posting. Time will tell.
How do any of you know Lou Pearlman's intention or motivation, here? It seems to me to be the type of commentary one would find at a Friar's Club Roast - harsh, maybe even brutal, but definitely satirical. I laughed out loud, even with the limited knowledge I have with respect to historical goings-on in the old CBA.
Is Lou Pearlman a racist/sexist? Maybe, but I don't know her/him, so I cannot attest to that. What I can attest to is the fact that, when faced with a post that some do not like, the cry from the gallery is "Send the CBEDers to their own board," or "Cut this out."
Nobody seemed to have a problem with Lou Pearlman's post yesterday that made fun of only white males. Why is that?
I resent the implication that I am racist. My artists simply create art that comes from their souls. Any inferences you make regarding what they say is a product of your mind drawing parallels between their fictional raps and actual events that may or may not be related. Shame on you!
It is a shame that humor cannot be appreciated, even if it not of a type you would select. It is sadder yet when issues cannot be discussed without someone resorting to ad hominem (even when the person is anonymous!) attacks when the issues raised are not to their liking.
Board names can serve a valuable purpose. My hunch is many of the posters on all of these threads would not do so if they had to identify themselves. I want to make a couple of points, and then I am going to take the advice I have so freely given to my friends: if reading this board angers you more than it helps you, stop reading it.
My points are these: none of us can forget or forgive the past withpout dealing with the issues. That is not a futile exercise, it is understanding the present by knowing what transpired to cause it. It is difficult to move forward without having closure on past issues. The best situation would be for all of us to do the best we can at our own jobs, and let everyone else do their job. There is plenty of time to be negative.
Focus on the kids because they are not the cause of anything that appears on this board. Further, many of them would not understand the situations at this point in their lives.
Focus on being successful in your own career and you will be somewhat insulated from events that disturb you, or you will be much more marketable when searching for another job. Or, seek another position now and reduce your stress. There is too much ill health and death among our ranks now. Surely less stress would help that.
I look for a brighter future for Southern Miss, but it is frequently difficult to see. What are we going to do about it?
You are a brave soul, Professor King. I have heard from people outside the university that you are an excellent teacher. I have heard from people inside that, although you feel you have been treated poorly in the past, you are stepping up to do things that make USM in general and CBED in particular a better place. Your post will certainly help change the tone of the board for the better.
quote: Originally posted by: Ernie King "I look for a brighter future for Southern Miss, but it is frequently difficult to see. "
Thank you for your post, sir. While your advice was surely directed to USM employees & the present situation, it could be repeated to anyone in the education biz who feels put down by circumstances that often feel beyond our control.
It's this sort of positive, students-first attitude that makes me believe that USM will ultimately prevail over the long haul.
quote: Originally posted by: Ernie King "It is a shame that humor cannot be appreciated, even if it not of a type you would select. It is sadder yet when issues cannot be discussed without someone resorting to ad hominem (even when the person is anonymous!) attacks when the issues raised are not to their liking.
Dear Ernie,
Your attitude is a major part of the problem in CBED. Individuals disguise racism, sexual harrassmemt, and just plain hate as humor. I fear that I shall never appreciate humor in this vain, nor will I stand for it in my presence. All too often we just walk away and the talker has free reign to spin his hate and his filth. We must not tolerate this. I have never known you to use this sort of humor and am shocked that you should countenance this behavior
Lou did not raise issues so much as he attacked the individuals. When he attacked Doty, Bushardt, Carter, and Crocket, I remained silent. However, the attack on Professor Posey smacks of racism, and the attack on the female colleague has created a hostile work environment for her. The University should regard the situation as sexual harrassment and act accordingly. I do not, nor should you, condone such behavior. Why don't you ask your female colleagues to read Lou's piece of "humor" and get their reaction?
In your second sentence you confuse criticism of Lou's behavior with an attack on the individual. I fear your friendship clouds your vision of his behavior. No one has dragged your past personal relationships onto the board as Lou has done for others. If they had, your empathy for those being abused by Lou might be different. He is destroying CBED with the passive assistance of faculty who condone and sometimes encourage his behavior. As noted elsewhere on this board, the board itself is being damaged with these personal vendettas of Lou's.
Gentleman, is your real name "Gentleman"? You say "sexual harrassment" case should be made, and that you will not tolerate this behavior in your presence. What's your real name, dude? Are you saying it was okay to attack the others you named (I don't remember any names coming up previously)? Is Lou Pearlman the ladies' boss? Is Lou Pearlman Doty?
There are several potential issues at play here. Gentleman, are you sure that Lou Pearlman is a USM faculty member? One thing Online Prof is correct about is that this board is traversed by numerous non-USM people. Here's an interesting story, indirectly involving many of the principals in Lou's rap songs:
A home repair guy was at my house three days ago. I was on the computer, and he asked if he could check his e-mails (he was trying to win an e-bay auction, and wanted to check on it). When he pulled up his e-mail page, I got a quick glimpse of the fact that there were 3 e-mails from the faculty member in CBED who has filed an appeal there. He changed screens to quick for me to notice whether the USM prof sent those e-mails out to him directly, or whether someone else had forwarded them to him (the former is a real possibility, given past events involving the prof). The point is this, the CBED's "issues" are well-known out in the Hattiesburg community, not just in Greene Hall or on this board. Who knows?
Regarding problems in the CBED in general, there is a departing prof who has two axioms about the CBED (though the second one likely pertains to academia more generally):
"The rent seekers always win [in the CBED]"
"Don't trust anyone [in the CBED] who's not mobile."
Lots of people have been attacked on this board, including myself. I have been having conversations with the person I believe attacked me. If you feel attacked, take it up with the individual, and/or follow Ernie's great advice and leave this board.
Lou Pearlman is not who you think he is. Attacking Dr. King is not the way to go -- he has no idea who I really am. Repeat: Dr. King has no idea who I really am.
His public statement is proof of his character; he isn't hiding behind an assumed moniker.
My attempt at humor was obviously a faux pas in your eyes. I was attempting to be neither racist nor sexist; however, your statement says it all: when white males are the butt of the joke, it's OK. You didn't raise a finger to type one word against my first post. However, when I turned my attempt at humor on one (or two) of your friends, you lashed out. Free speech isn't defined by protecting what you like to hear. It's defined by protecting what you don't want to hear with equal vigor.
Leave others out of it. What do you know about me? I am not who you think I am.
quote: Originally posted by: Jimmy Page "And so we should all politely drink from our finger bowls too in order to make you more comfortable with your faux pas? I don't think so. Actually Lou, we know exactly who you are. You are best known as one Richard Seffales."
quote: Originally posted by: Lou Pearlman " I will post no more if you let this go. LP "
Dear Sun Tzu. Lou Pearlman et al,
Your referenceto Ms. x regarding her supposed iindiscretion of suggesting that you may be crazy is a violation of your statement as Lou Pearlman, i.e.,future references will not be tolerated. Sending the name of Ms. X to other colleagues in an e-mail that was widely distributed and deleting her name while posting similar information on the board is not letting it go. Why do you continue to harrass this female colleague?