Hey, no hard feelings. You challenged me, and I guess my feelings were a bit hurt when you infered that I was a troll, and besides that - our exchange made you miss playing golf. I'm sorry.
Just a reminder to those who have been reading our posts: We clarified some points without a Hiroshima episode. I can understand where what I was posting was taken out of the intentional (but muddled) context.
Thanks for responding Leaving ASAP. We're on the same page, but we're not in the same department. I don't want to be cryptic, and you helped me to communicate a bit better. Some of us have to be extremely careful about what we say, even more so than others. As a result, we (actually I) do sound like blithering idiots at times.
quote: Originally posted by: Robert Campbell "Those who know the internal dynamics: is the current Faculty Senate at USM prepared for a long hard struggle against the Shelby Thames regime? Or were the deal that was cut concerning Angie Dvorak's "business resume," and the decision to send a represenative to the PUC/PC, indications that the Senate leadership now prefers to "work with" Thames and crew? Given Mader's track record, why would any Faculty Senator not support a resolution of no confidence in her? Robert Campbell"
Robert, as a faculty senator I take your advice of no confidence in Mader seriously. But the truth is -- there is no love lost in the very public discord between the senate and mader. Remember right now that we are in summer -- senate isn't even meeting. And frankly, I think we have lots more on our plate upcoming . . . I just don't care to put the limited time and energy I have into formalizing something that is already not a secret. I speak only for myself -- others might have other opinions. But I'd be less than happy if you make whether or not the senate will put up a vote on mader a sign that the senate has somehow softened or made a deal. It hasn't.
One more thing. The senate recovenes in august with a slightly different composition. Stricitly speaking, we are not starting exactly where we finished. The new folks will have to catch up -- those of us who were around last year are going to have to help inform them on one hand but they need to come along at their own pace.
As important as all of this is -- being a senator isn't a full time job for senators. It is in the nature of the beast that in a democracy there is turnover and continuity isn't necessarily in a straight line. The senate that was debating strongly the possibility of a no confidence vote in april of 2003 took almost a year and a tragic event in our community to finally gather the strength and unity to act.
Early on in my young career here at USM i.e. pre-tenure (I've been here 8 years), I remember once that my chair encouraged us to vote for one of our faculty members to be placed on the ballot and not the one who had been on the FS the year before. Somehow it was not understood how the FS ballot system worked. Too many of us were newbies. Anyway I didn't listen and voted for the senator who had served the year before but alas that person did not get re-elected and my chair's choice did.
Then when that same senator, who had gotten elected with help from my chair, retired that senator appointed his/her own senator to represent us at FS meetings. No one noticed except me and a few of my other colleagues....
But we were too scared to say anything and didn't really understand how the ballot/election thing worked. So Omen Spit you are absolutely f...ing right!
I hope that you all can get the FS together to make a statement about LSM's lack of faculty recognition if they don't follow the beliefs of SFT. Who's spokesperson is she being paid to be?
I read two local papers this morning - both dated today Thursday, August 5th - The Petal Times and The Independent - the stories intersect in an interesting way. I don't have a copy of the former but the article of interest spoke of the importance of the technology and innovation park (Ken Malone's original project - his snowball core?) and quoted both Angie and Cecil Burge as being very positive about its progress. The latter discusses two possible replacements for Phil and names Angie as one of them. It then discusses one of Phil's original goals as head of ADP to bring the corporate park to fruition. Coincidental confluence...
quote: Originally posted by: shesays "To Omen Spit and Leaving ASAP, Early on in my young career here at USM i.e. pre-tenure (I've been here 8 years), I remember once that my chair encouraged us to vote for one of our faculty members to be placed on the ballot and not the one who had been on the FS the year before. Somehow it was not understood how the FS ballot system worked. Too many of us were newbies. Anyway I didn't listen and voted for the senator who had served the year before but alas that person did not get re-elected and my chair's choice did. Then when that same senator, who had gotten elected with help from my chair, retired that senator appointed his/her own senator to represent us at FS meetings. No one noticed except me and a few of my other colleagues.... But we were too scared to say anything and didn't really understand how the ballot/election thing worked. So Omen Spit you are absolutely f...ing right! Thought I'd share... "
I understand what Omen Spit (think anagram and it's pretty funny) is saying and what O.S. has also said is part of the ugliness of this situation. Many people are rightfully terrified to speak out about the inequities apparent in the USM paradigm.
Everyone should be outraged by the lack of due process. SFT may be singling out certain depts. to pound, but at least certain depts. are on the same page. NO QUARTER.
This thread is certainly all over the place - wasn't Halstead the original topic?
I just caught up (by the way, I played my new game of golf today despite the rain...).
Let me clarify that I am not Omen Spit (who clearly told anyone who was interested that the name was an anagram in the first post) nor am I Tim Hudson as someone suggested a couple weeks ago. Didn't anyone pick up that the fourth in line was the rook and the rook's other name is the castle? The trouble and importance of being earnest and cryptic.
Here's another way of thinking about the concern exhibited by some posters on this thread. There is such widespread distrust that people think any administrator who promotes someone in Faculty Senate must be doing so for selfish, evil, or King-serving purposes. A good administrator will work with the established bodies on a university campus because they are the appropriate bodies to work through. Sometimes the information will be confidential. Sometimes the advice will be good. It should never be done with coercion or deceit. It is all about trust. There are many at the University of Southern Mississippi who are doing everything possible to break down any form of informal communication and to further magnify the climate of fear and to erode any trust.
At some point, the people who want to stay and build this university had better come up with some positive plans. You can't break down forever.
I'd make some more cryptic Chess game analogies but, frankly, I'm tired...been playing without much help for far too long.
A great response to a Post Gone Wild. Omen Spit is obviously a good person who landed into a big mess when trying to bring up something that is true in perhaps two or three depts. I would never think about that post as being in an either/or fashion or an all or nothing situation. Everyone should remember that at times we are going to hear snippets from depts. where people literally fear for keeping their jobs. No place on this campus is immune to employment casualties. The bottom line that concerns me is that we all want to see USM succeed, preferably without Thames, but if the guy can do a major turn around - I'd be for a healthy USM with Thames at the helm.
folks--for over 15 years i've heard rumors of FS vote counting that was a bit irregular (like Florida). until the advent of technology, like this board, it was just word of mouth. now, it's on a board for all to see. question--who oversees the counting process for the FS? is there an independent person (who does it for Miss America?--i'm kidding and refuse to use an emoticon) there is a principle to be followed--independent counting.
I've been a Faculty Senator and know how the yearly turnover of Faculty Senate Presidents and a substantial percentage of the Senators make it hard to keep continuity. When you spend some time on a Faculty Senate you learn how shallow the body's institutional memory is. I also know how time-consuming FS activities can be for faculty who always have other priorities.
Still, USM's Faculty Senate is not in an environment where "business as usual" is likely to prove adaptive. Under these circumstances, the common ambition of many FS Presidents, to enjoy a "quiet year" while they keep on the good side of the upper administration, can only do harm to the faculty and to the university.
If a resolution of no confidence in Lisa Mader isn't going to fly, could the Faculty Senate get behind an op-ed about her manifest failure to do what a genuine university spokesperson would do? As I indicated in another thread, I think such an op-ed could be highly effective.
I agree with Robert Campbell's query. Just who does Lisa Mader represent? If it is truly not faculty, that needs to be made public. The Faculty Senate is the wisest entity that I have seen so far that can address the role that she plays and the role that she was hired to play at this university. We obviously might not like the answers, but at least we are asking some honest questions.
robert--you've made your suggestion about a vote of no confidence against Mader for a number of months and to quote many a southerner "that dog won't hunt." i hope the FS has many more issues to deal with than Mader. there is already a partial thread suggesting the voting process / vote counting process may be suspect. when the first notice of the FS's position on raises appears on this site and not to the faculty in general (took about 2 weeks to get to my chair), there is a communication problem they need to address. i hope my representatives will prioritize issues and if Mader is one they will deal with it when appropriate.
I agree with you that the FS needs to be concerned about reports of electoral irregularities...and it needs to do a better job getting the word out to the faculty at USM. One of Thames' goals in creating the PUC/PC was to make the Faculty Senate irrelevant and there is some danger he will succeed at it.
All the same, one reason the FS has a "communication problem" is the constant propaganda efforts of... Lisa Mader. And when the FS President is quoted in the media, he doesn't claim to speak for the entire university.
As for LM being a mere staff person who merely carries out Shelby's orders, gurunuburg (who seems to be taking a vacation?) has mentioned on several occasions how her influence is growing in the Dome. At the very least, Lisa Mader imagines herself to be a player in the upper administration.