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RE: CBED's smelly core
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NON keeps putting "secretary" in quotation marks.  I apologize if I have offended anyone, since I am the person who initially used the word.  That's just because most academic departments I have ever dealt with had a Departmental Secretary (aka "She Who Must Be Obeyed") who would be the appropriate person to handle a faculty member's mail.  And as I have BEEN a secretary about as often as I've HAD a secretary, I certainly didn't mean anything negative.


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When I was on campus the CBA, now CBED, was noted for a very high turnover of staff and administrative assistants. It was also noted as one college to not work in by the staff. Sad to read that even a new dean continues the old leadership style and traditions.

Former Secretary

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Originally posted by: LVN
"NON keeps putting "secretary" in quotation marks.  I apologize if I have offended anyone, since I am the person who initially used the word.  That's just because most academic departments I have ever dealt with had a Departmental Secretary (aka "She Who Must Be Obeyed") who would be the appropriate person to handle a faculty member's mail.  And as I have BEEN a secretary about as often as I've HAD a secretary, I certainly didn't mean anything negative."


Your posting that used the term 'secretary' was a positive one. It gave the flavor of acknowledging that secretaries are what keep a department afloat. That they are ones to be trusted, and to depended upon. I went back and read the entire thread and saw no use of the term 'secretary' that implied otherwise. You seem like a caring person, and one respectuful of the secretaries.


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I'm sure that all the secretaries at this university appreciate your last statement - since we all know that mere secretaries/clerical workers at this university is what keeps us all efficient and the university going.  My purpose of responding to this board in the first place was to let faculty know that our secretaries are overworked and under paid (unless they wear brown noses well) and shouldn't be drug into an adminstrative power struggle or petty foolishness as has been discussed on this board.  This professor should have clearly discussed his plans of not coming on campus this summer, at all, with this particular secretary and made plans with her for his mail or certain mail items to be forwarded to him.  He failed to do that so he shouldn't blame his lack of "receiving his mail" on the adminstrative office inefficiencies but instead question his own motives.


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Originally posted by: OutSider

"When I was on campus the CBA, now CBED, was noted for a very high turnover of staff and administrative assistants. It was also noted as one college to not work in by the staff. Sad to read that even a new dean continues the old leadership style and traditions. "

Turnover for CBA/CBED has been extremely high in the past few years.  I know of seven secretaries/adminstrative assistants that have come and gone JUST in the Dean's office.  One wonders, is it the low pay or just that office?  But hey from rumors I hear, administration doesn't care who leaves CBED....there's always "one more person" from a particular family tree that's in need of a job in that building.  Recent hirings, with a little help from an ex administrator now interim, seem like proof to me.  Any thoughts on that?


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Originally posted by: ByeGoneUSM

'CBED....there's always "one more person" from a particular family tree that's in need of a job in that building."

So now I've learned something. I didn't know that CBED served that function. I always heard - mistakenly perhaps - that it was the Development Office that was the depository for spouses of USM administrators.


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Originally posted by: ByeGoneUSM
"Turnover for CBA/CBED has been extremely high in the past few years.  I know of seven secretaries/adminstrative assistants that have come and gone JUST in the Dean's office.  One wonders, is it the low pay or just that office?  But hey from rumors I hear, administration doesn't care who leaves CBED....there's always "one more person" from a particular family tree that's in need of a job in that building.  Recent hirings, with a little help from an ex administrator now interim, seem like proof to me.  Any thoughts on that?"


Just been told that two more are leaving CBED.  One in the HD's office and one in Hospitality Management.  Makes us wonder.....


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One of the highest paid administrative assistants works in the CISE Dept. Heaven knows that this person truly deserves the pay though considering the work conditions.

Glad 2B Outsider

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It sounds like CBED suffers from a terrible communication problem.  Perhaps HD should work on this.  I suspect this is a problem he inherited and has not improved upon.  Given the nature of the job market in Business, it won't just be the nonacademic staff cascading out the door if something isn't done about this deficiency soon.  I have a neighbor who told me that it is possible that entire departments might leave after this year.  That would be a terrible loss for our community.

Delta Dawn

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Originally posted by: Glad 2B Outsider

"I have a neighbor who told me that it is possible that entire departments might leave after this year.  That would be a terrible loss for our community."

It sounds as the "terrible loss" to which your neighbor might referring is the "economic loss" to the community. If that is the case, I can most certainly understand why your neighbor might view things that way. Many businesses in the local community do depend on USM for their livelihood. Many would close without USM's presence. USM contributes greatly not only ,to the economy of Hattiesburg, but also to the surrounding area. That is precisely why I do not understand why local businesspeople and employees, who depend on the local economy, submit those vicious and poorly thought through letters to the newspapers, bashing the USM faculty who are doing their best to raise the academic bar at USM. Those letter writers do not seem to understand that the faculty's position in such matters is not only good for the university itself, it is good for the economic welfare of the community - and their own livelihood. The weaker USM is academically, the weaker some of those letter writers will be financially. USM is a gem for Hattiesburg, and I would think all of the local community would want to make it a very strong academic institution. To rephrase and adopt an analogy currently making the rounds among the political jokesters these days: A local businessperson voting for the way USM is being run these days is like a chicken voting for Colonel Saunders.


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Originally posted by: Delta Dawn

"A local businessperson voting for the way USM is being run these days is like a chicken voting for Colonel Saunders."

I hope Mr. Wonderful sees this...


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Originally posted by: Delta Dawn

"...The weaker USM is academically, the weaker some of those letter writers will be financially. USM is a gem for Hattiesburg, and I would think all of the local community would want to make it a very strong academic institution. .."

Delta Dawn, if this were a rational world and people considered the *long term* future I would agree with you. However, I fear, from the community response, that local business people are only interested in the *short term* and only want a large student population for their businesses. But we have too many universities in the state and not enough qualified students. So they need lower standards to get more students to USM, not higher standards. They want a *larger* not *stronger* institution to fill up the businesses and stadium.
In other words, you want a *strong academic* institution for USM, therefore *you* are the problem as they see it and SFT is the solution.

Sorry. Otherwise, I would agree with you if we were anywhere else.

Delta Dawn

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Originally posted by: Newgirl
"I fear, from the community response, that local business people are only interested in the *short term* and only want a large student population for their businesses."


Yours is a thoughtful analysis, Newgirl. Some businesspeople may shortsightedly chase the "now money" and toss the future to the winds. If that is the case (and I hope you are wrong), I suppose those business owners will take the USM-generated economy, but send their children to Ole Miss, State, MC, and Millsaps. Very sad.


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Originally posted by: Delta Dawn


Funny you should mention where they sent their children. I recall at one time even many USM administrators had children attending the *other* universities in the state or near by states rather than USM. Of course, it could be that the kids just wanted to get away from parents. But that also produced a higher cost for them because they could get reduced tuition at USM.


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There are a lot of faculty at USM, including CBED, who do their best to provide a quality education to every student with whom they come in contact.  They do yeoman's work, inspite of uncomfortably hot/cold classrooms, limited resources and Deans like HD and FN, who step on dissent and creativity, and reward the "yes" people with whom they surround themselves. 

What does this mean for CBED?  The old timers who are too close to retirement to leave, or those who are so incompetent and overpaid that they can't find another job, will stay on as CBED spirals downward.  Expect to see continuing outflow of young faculty. 

Faculty who dare speak out are ostracized and punished, both personally and financially.  They are accused of being "malcontents"  and "troublemakers"  Fictional writings are presented as factual in an effort to demean and reduce credibility of anyone who stands up to the powers that be. 

Maybe we need malcontents and troublemakers who are willing to stand up to petty bureaucrats like HD who (mis)manage both personnel and financial resources.  But, the downside is if you disagree with HD and friends, they will make sure you are punished.


new edition

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Kid, you are right on.  I have already spoken with a lawyer and have an appeal ready to go if this round's merit raise process goes like previous ones.  We will bring CBED to its knees this time, believe me.  Am still awaiting word on contracts.


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I'd like to think we'll get CBED off it's news this time -- that the faculty will take back the college for the benefit of our students.


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Let me correct my typo. 

I'd like to think we'll get CBED off it's knees this time -- that the faculty will take back the college for hte benefit of our students.


Originally posted by: Kid
"I'd like to think we'll get CBED off it's news this time -- that the faculty will take back the college for the benefit of our students."

Green Hornet

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Sometimes you just can't win..............


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Yeah, Kid.  Dream on. 


Originally posted by: Green Hornet
"kid, Sometimes you just can't win.............."

biz girl

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I think it should be clarified that no one in the CBED faults the administrative assistant in the department in which the professor making the open records act request works. 

To the best of my understanding, the professor was using the request for correspondence being sent to his home as a "good faith check."  That is, he wanted to see what HD would do -- would he honor the request or not.  HD's response was, as has been well documented, to not send the correspondence to the professor's home.

Had the professor asked the administrative assistant to send the mail to his home, I am quite sure that she would have done so.  However, that was not the point of the professor's request to HD.

I don't think anyone who knows the situation with any level of intimacy faults the administrative assistant at all.

The thread got off track when we got into the faculty/staff dispute.  Causing a rift between faculty and staff is one sure way for SFT to distract all parties from the real problems at USM.

Pretzel Logic

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Biz Girl,

Thanks for the clarification.  Now I understand that "the professor" asked for special treatment that would not be granted to other faculty members.  (My understanding is that other CBED departments do not forward mail to faculty members' homes just because the faculty members don't want to come to work.  Seems that these business folks expect that when someone is using state supported processes and resources, the person will occasionally show up at the office.  How narrow!). 

According to your post, the "professor" did not really want this special treatment, he was just "testing" the administration to see how the administration would respond.  The administration responded fairly by NOT granting the "professor's" request for special privileges that "the professor" did not really want anyway.  Thus, "the professor" actually got what he really wanted -- fair treatment!

This is truly a win-win outcome.

The administration demonstrated fairness and equality by denying a request for special privileges and thus passed the "professor's" test with flying colors!  The "professor" received what he really wanted because his request for special treatment was not a genuine request. 

Thanks for helping us understand.



As the business world turns

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Originally posted by: Pretzel Logic

"Biz Girl, Thanks for the clarification.  Now I understand that "the professor" asked for special treatment that would not be granted to other faculty members.  (My understanding is that other CBED departments do not forward mail to faculty members' homes just because the faculty members don't want to come to work.  Seems that these business folks expect that when someone is using state supported processes and resources, the person will occasionally show up at the office.  How narrow!).  According to your post, the "professor" did not really want this special treatment, he was just "testing" the administration to see how the administration would respond.  The administration responded fairly by NOT granting the "professor's" request for special privileges that "the professor" did not really want anyway.  Thus, "the professor" actually got what he really wanted -- fair treatment! This is truly a win-win outcome. The administration demonstrated fairness and equality by denying a request for special privileges and thus passed the "professor's" test with flying colors!  The "professor" received what he really wanted because his request for special treatment was not a genuine request.  Thanks for helping us understand.    "

No wonder Enron and those other businesses went belly up.

Swan Song

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So, even though USM does not require faculty members to teach in the summer - they'd better show up at the office to pick up their mail. Heard about someone over in CISE who was teaching a couple of summer classes and asked the chair there if she could miss a Sat. preview because her parents were celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary a thousand miles away. Even though she'd been at every summer Preview without fail for the past 5 summers, her chair told her that "We all have to make sacrifices". The faculty member didn't go. Her father died the following February. It's easy to make judgements about others when your own parents only live a few blocks away (and you work for your pop).

Speaking of that chair, I've heared that Sulentic's and Whiting's attorneys had to get involved in forcing the chair to forward their mail after they were terminated. When people called for them at the office, the secretaries were instructed to say that they had no idea where either of them lived.


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Sounds like the CEP and CBED are equal opportunity jerks.


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On a regular basis mail is forwarded to CBEd faculty that have requested such while not working during the summer. So the professor that made that request was doing the same that others have done and they have had their mail forwarded. Professor made a request for correspondence related to a formal appeal request to be forwarded so the appeal process could move forward quickly for all parties involved, himself and the university. The CBED dean is stonewalling. Rumors I receive are that the university attorneys are the ones guiding his actions. Glad I'm gone.


Don't really care anymore

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I don't care one way or the other, but from what I've seen, the prof isn't teaching this summer.  He hasn't asked for mail service.  The only thing he's asked HD to send to his house is mail from HD relating to the appeal.  Given the temper tantrum HD threw after the prof said he was going to appeal, it's not too surprising that HD refused, even though he keeps putting deadlines in his letter. 

What it all comes back to is HD and his cronies are going to punish anyone who doesn't do what they are told.  HD refusing to mail correspondence he writes to people who aren't on campus is just the kind of integrity and professionalism we've all come to expect of HD and cronies. 

What isn't petty is that the T&P committee had some really serious problems with the prof's evaluation.  When you see words like "arbitrary" and "seriously flawed" coming out of an appeal, I would think a real Dean would be more worried about what's going on in College evaluations than dragging some guy over to campus to pick up a letter.  Of course, if you're HD maybe you're just hoping he'll miss a deadline so HD can say you missed a deadline, you lose.  Then he doesn't have to deal with the real problems.

The Canebrake posse strikes again. 


Originally posted by: biz girl
"I think it should be clarified that no one in the CBED faults the administrative assistant in the department in which the professor making the open records act request works.  To the best of my understanding, the professor was using the request for correspondence being sent to his home as a "good faith check."  That is, he wanted to see what HD would do -- would he honor the request or not.  HD's response was, as has been well documented, to not send the correspondence to the professor's home. Had the professor asked the administrative assistant to send the mail to his home, I am quite sure that she would have done so.  However, that was not the point of the professor's request to HD. I don't think anyone who knows the situation with any level of intimacy faults the administrative assistant at all. The thread got off track when we got into the faculty/staff dispute.  Causing a rift between faculty and staff is one sure way for SFT to distract all parties from the real problems at USM."

biz girl

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don't really care--

You got my point exactly.  All I was saying is that it has nothing to do with the administrative assistant--it has to do with HD.  I'm glad Pretzal Logic and the rest of the Canebrake Posse are still up-and-at-'em...I'm sure HD has some car washing for will assure their next merit raise.

Southern Mess

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I think it would be best just to shut USM and the CBED down...It's better to burn out than fade away.  Why have the faculty/staff not considered an old-fashioned strike/walkout, especially with the new semester approaching?  That would do it, at least something more substantial than endless griping on message boards.  Or are the scraps they are calling raises that great? 


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I have been a public employee most of my career, either state or federal. I have always been and will always be, opposed to walk-outs and strikes by public employees. The wrong people are hurt. If the staff and faculty went on strike, it would not hurt SFT and his minions one iota -- in fact it would make them look nobly aggrieved. Only the students would suffer, and that's not right.

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