quote: Originally posted by: foot soldier " Just out of curiousity, are you a member of AAUP?"
I would imagine the membership might be a little higher if this board didn't scare so many people off. Have you ever thought that maybe people come here to get more info about aaup. What do they see instead? A bunch of garbage and insults. I have witnessed alot of ugliness on this board. I never complained about the ST comments, no matter how childish and inaccurate some of them were. But now some of you are making fun of students and you should stop. This whole thread should be deleted, especially the horrible story about the secretary's phone call. What is wrong with you people?
quote: Originally posted by: foot soldier "Read the sticky at the top of the board. This board does NOT represent the opinions of the AAUP. I assume by your answer that you are not a member. If you want information about the AAUP, please ask, and many people on this board can provide it."
Oh that sticky makes it all better. :(
The aaup should start an official website with an official bulletin board and leave these thames and faculty haters here by themselves. Use the free space that comes with being a USM faculty member or organization. Get an official site up on an USM server. And don't start crying about why you can't do that because thames will cause you too many problems. The other campus organizations and departments do it just fine. I'll do it for you if I have to.
quote: Originally posted by: aaup "The aaup should start an official website with an official bulletin board and leave these thames and faculty haters here by themselves. Use the free space that comes with being a USM faculty member or organization. Get an official site up on an USM server. And don't start crying about why you can't do that because thames will cause you too many problems. The other campus organizations and departments do it just fine. I'll do it for you if I have to."
Faculty haters? We hate faculty?
I believe this _is_ an official AAUP website and bulletin board. What exactly were you hoping to read on the bulletin board? (This is an honest question.) The AAUP chapter at USM is part of a larger national organization of university professors. If you have complaints about how the board is run, you should address them to Amy Young, not to the board participants.
Give the history of e-mail monitoring at USM, if this board were to be on the USM server, we would no longer be anonymous. Then there would no longer be a message board.
quote: Originally posted by: aaup "Oh that sticky makes it all better. :( The aaup should start an official website with an official bulletin board and leave these thames and faculty haters here by themselves. Use the free space that comes with being a USM faculty member or organization. Get an official site up on an USM server. And don't start crying about why you can't do that because thames will cause you too many problems. The other campus organizations and departments do it just fine. I'll do it for you if I have to."
Since just about anyone with an internet connection can post to this message board, it cannot represent only the views of usm's aaup. The credibility of any posting should not be taken very seriously as anyone anywhere can post anything.
My opinion is that this message board would be more appropriately associated with the fireshelby website or an equivalent home (thank you fireshelby for all your hard work in keeping it going the way you did). I can't see how having this message board on the aaup website is better than giving it a home outside, so that the aaup can clearly represent itself as a professional organization, without giving a means for the expression of many folks who are neither usm faculty nor members of usm's aaup.
How does having the message board linked to the aaup website make more sense than giving it a site of its own? It seems to politicize the aaup's views without aaup members having a choice about how they are characterized. People can and do surf this site making assumptions about what the aaup at usm believe. Is this what aaup members want?
quote: Originally posted by: student " The credibility of any posting should not be taken very seriously as anyone anywhere can post anything. My opinion is that this message board would be more appropriately associated with the fireshelby website or an equivalent home (thank you fireshelby for all your hard work in keeping it going the way you did). I can't see how having this message board on the aaup website is better than giving it a home outside, so that the aaup can clearly represent itself as a professional organization, without giving a means for the expression of many folks who are neither usm faculty nor members of usm's aaup. How does having the message board linked to the aaup website make more sense than giving it a site of its own? It seems to politicize the aaup's views without aaup members having a choice about how they are characterized. People can and do surf this site making assumptions about what the aaup at usm believe. Is this what aaup members want? "
These are certainly legitimate questions. Again, if you have concerns, Amy Young, as the representative of the organization, is the person to whom they should be addressed.
I just want to point out that the AAUP supports academic freedom, and that this board is a place where those of us who do not feel free, due to the policies of Shelby Thames, can express ourselves.
I do not like or agree with all of the opinions on this board. But I respect the right of the posters to express themselves. I also learn a great deal here and regularly encounter people with a deep dedication to teaching, to students and to education. They sincerely want to make the state of Mississippi better. If you haven't read this on this board, you haven't been on it long enough.
quote: Originally posted by: o-town "My departmental secretary just told me she received a phone call this morning from the mother of an incoming freshman. The mother proceeded to read to the secretary what courses her "child" had registered for (2 of them were 099 courses). She then asked "Where do we need to go to get a list of school supplies we need for these courses?""
If, like so many above on this board, you find this amusing, I know some handicapped people you can make fun of. To my eye it is the contributors to this thread who are stupid and embarrassing. In fact, the whole board has become a clearinghouse for sophomoric humor, ersatz song lyrics, childish tantrums and threats, silly rumors, and dopey accusations. Thames and his cohorts may be idiots, but you people don't seem a lot better.
quote: Originally posted by: Romeo " In fact, the whole board has become a clearinghouse for sophomoric humor, ersatz song lyrics, childish tantrums and threats, silly rumors, and dopey accusations. Thames and his cohorts may be idiots, but you people don't seem a lot better. Please use your raises to purchase a clue. Romeo"
As it has been pointed out, many people here are NOT USM facutly, so they won't have raises. And most of the faculty here will not have raises either.
Have you read the 099 thread? It has lots of "content."
If you want to change the content of the board, you should participate. If you find the board sophomoric, you do not need to read it.
Silly as it is, some of us are grateful to having acess to humor in a terrible, terrible situation.
I'm tired of fighting trolls. I think I'll go to bed.
I probably should go to sleep already, but just wanted to clarify that there seems to be a real need for a forum like this message board. People need a way to connect to each other and speak freely about what is happening at usm, and the current climate there makes it unsafe to do so in person. There are a lot of people who contribute to this board and I didn't mean to bring the content of people's postings into question. Really, I just wanted to ask aaup members whether they think it's a good idea to keep the message board on this web site. Many people use it regularly and should continue to exist, I think.
But it isn't up to me to decide whether another website should be devoted solely to that purpose, it's for aaup members to say whether or not it is in their interest to continue to have this forum located on their web site and not another.
quote: Originally posted by: LVN "Y'all quit. Don't make me have to stop this car."
I usually ignore attacks on me because I do not want to sink to the level of some of these other posters. However, 099 classes are something I feel USM should have been doing a long time ago. Of course I feel strongly about this, but I should not have responded the way I did. I panicked at first because of the some of the things I saw people saying about these 099 classes and their students. Now I realize, though, that these people are probably not even faculty. Two of them might be English faculty, but I know what they are always going to think no matter what happens at USM as long as Thames is still in charge. I will not be sucked in by an attacker again, I promise.