This mill consists of a single, much to cumbersome and large for a normal 4 or 5-item mill. It details results of an informal canvass of all operatives I conducted recently that evaluated USM's administrators from the rank of associate dean to provost (athletics not included). Enjoy.
Meanest --- Ken M./Tim R. (tie)
Most Competent --- Russ W.
Most Destructive --- Lisa M./Ken M. (tie)
Most Disappointing --- Jay G. (Tim H./Joe P. close 2nd tie)
Steepest Path to Prominence --- Denise VH
Most Innocuous --- Joe P.
Most Arrogant --- Harold D.
Biggest Lotto Winner --- Mitch B.
Most Subservient --- Willie P.
Most Unqualified --- Ken M./Gregg L./Angie D. (tie)
Truth you are right. Although CM didn't win an individual award, she was in the top five on the last one listed (and a close #4 at that). She got votes for several things, just didn't win any outright. I think some of the operatives discounted her on some awards given her position in the chart. Also, much of the "voting" on some of the awards was certainly influenced by what the operatives had read in threads on this board (some admitted as much).
quote: Originally posted by: gurunuburg "Truth you are right. Although CM didn't win an individual award, she was in the top five on the last one listed (and a close #4 at that). She got votes for several things, just didn't win any outright. I think some of the operatives discounted her on some awards given her position in the chart. Also, much of the "voting" on some of the awards was certainly influenced by what the operatives had read in threads on this board (some admitted as much)."