1. Merit raise or no merit raise, morale at USM is probably unsalvagable from what we gather. This fall, "resumes are going to fly out of the USM campus like bats coming out of a cave at dusk" (thanks for the great line envelope). Reports from most operatives indicate that USM faculty, young and old alike, will be "heavily looking elsewhere" this year. Thanks envelope, artsy, bunson, and scope (new operative).
2. Ever get asked at a social gathering what you do? Sure, everyone does. The usual follow question for USM faculty is "oh, what do you teach? ..." These days the answer is likely to be "such-an'-such 099". This usually prompts, "...099, what's that?.." Well, the answer to this third one is as you can imagine, only the Ole Miss/State alums can barely contain or hide their pleasure at hearing what USM is becoming when they hear the answer and elaboration on this third question. Thanks artsy and burner.
3. Elliott P. sends his love. Word is that he's quite proud of what he accomplished in a short span of time, and that he's standing by his COAL ranking. Actually, it's too late, SFT & Co like what they saw and have stamped it. Thanks artsy and ntsft.
4. compaq reports that Harold D. is still pondering the CBED list. When it gets out, look for him to run for the hills when the fallout hits. compaq predicts he might even suggest (or try to) that he didn't even know there were raises this year, much less have anything to do with them. "It'll be the chairs' deal, even though they all took the summer off this year...." Thanks compaq.
5. Here's an excerpt from an e-mail insider got from a lawyer from out-of-state who has perused the list of USM lawsuits (the lawyer is considering his own involvement in one or two): "... looks like when these judges and juries get through with you guys, you may have to consider dropping football .... You think I'm kidding? I'm really not ...." Thanks for sharing insider.
quote: Originally posted by: gurunuburg "1. Merit raise or no merit raise, morale at USM is probably unsalvagable from what we gather. This fall, "resumes are going to fly out of the USM campus like bats coming out of a cave at dusk" (thanks for the great line envelope). Reports from most operatives indicate that USM faculty, young and old alike, will be "heavily looking elsewhere" this year. Thanks envelope, artsy, bunson, and scope (new operative)."
This is, unfortunately, exactly what the IHL board members who keep the keys to SFT's chain want to happen. Every faculty member who gives us is doing precisely what Roy Klumb has planned. Pretty soon, there will be no need for any special "house cleaning" actions by SFT. USM will be like a self-cleaning oven.
"5. Here's an excerpt from an e-mail insider got from a lawyer from out-of-state who has perused the list of USM lawsuits (the lawyer is considering his own involvement in one or two): "... looks like when these judges and juries get through with you guys, you may have to consider dropping football .... You think I'm kidding? I'm really not ...." Thanks for sharing insider. "
I know plenty of folks on this board would love to see that (dropping football) happen. And I'm sure that Shelby's handlers at IHL wouldn't mind seeing this happen either. Carl Nicholson would probably file a lawsuit against SFT himself if he figured it would speed things up. But the simple fact is that the athletic department would be the last thing cut. It's obvious that departments like English are viewed as much more expendable. Are as many "influential" boosters sending checks to Noel Polk as are sending them to Gianinny? End of discussion.
quote: Originally posted by: Invictus " . . . the athletic department would be the last thing cut. It's obvious that departments like English are viewed as much more expendable.
You are correct, as usual. But don't forget the lobotomy which, in the interest of academic integrity and respectability, Tulane & Vanderbilt conducted on a portion of their athletic programs. Tulane dropped an entire major sport for awhile; and Vanderbilt abolished its Athletic Department as such, and moved it directly under the president's office. Neither of those moves hurt Tulane or Vanderbilt. Not for a minute.
quote: Originally posted by: Delta Dawn " You are correct, as usual. But don't forget the lobotomy which, in the interest of academic integrity and respectability, Tulane & Vanderbilt conducted on a portion of their athletic programs. Tulane dropped an entire major sport for awhile; and Vanderbilt abolished its Athletic Department as such, and moved it directly under the president's office. Neither of those moves hurt Tulane or Vanderbilt. Not for a minute. "
The difference is that both Tulane & Vanderbilt have bona fide academic reputations & get plenty of donor money aside from athletics. I'm not privy to the budgets of either institution, but I suspect that athletic donors are "down the scale" from other benefactors.
USM, on the other hand, is better known for its athletic programs than for its academics. And the "big money" tends to go to athletics.
To say nothing of the fact that doing what Tulane or Vandy did requires some measure of innovative thinking & creativity from the administration.
quote: Originally posted by: Invictus " The difference is that both Tulane & Vanderbilt have bona fide academic reputations & get plenty of donor money aside from athletics. I'm not privy to the budgets of either institution, but I suspect that athletic donors are "down the scale" from other benefactors. USM, on the other hand, is better known for its athletic programs than for its academics. And the "big money" tends to go to athletics. To say nothing of the fact that doing what Tulane or Vandy did requires some measure of innovative thinking & creativity from the administration."
I suppose that the athletic tail is inclined to wag the academic elephant at USM, but the academic elephant is more inclined to keep its tail intact at schools like Vanderbilt and Tulane.