College Board to keep presidential searches secret
The higher education commissioner and College Board members convening at an annual retreat today in Jackson discussed how to proceed with presidential searches for Alcorn State University and the University of Southern Mississippi....
...While the group discussed some tweaking to the process this morning, it also decided that keeping the candidate names secret during the search will not change....
"Changes in store for these presidential searches include asking various constituencies to nominate a greater number of potential members of the Search Advisory Committee, a diversified group of stakeholders who will review résumés and send a selection to the College Board for consideration, Mitchell said.
MSU’s Search Advisory Committee had 23 members.
The College Board is also likely to ask more members of the Search Advisory Committee to attend candidate interviews with the full board, Mitchell said. These members will likely be invited to ask questions and give feedback.
“(Board members are) talking about wanting to be as participatory and transparent as possible,” Mitchell said."