"Let them tell me why they think we can't afford to insure everyone, why we can't afford to eliminate poverty, why we can't have decent housing for everyone in this country when we are spending the price of a $183,000 home every minute in Iraq. That's right...for what we are spending, we could house 1,440 families per day in a $183,000 house. Or, we could pay $178 per month toward health insurance for every uninsured person in this country for the cost we are spending monthly in Iraq. Is it just that we don't have the political will to do right by our own?"
Political will, eh? Have you given any thought to the political and economic ramifications of giving nice free houses to 1,440 families a day? What would that do to the housing market and all the people employed in it? What do you think the 80% of the people who pay for their medical insurance would think of your plan to give money to 20% of the population, most of whom pay no income tax? If what you suggest is such a great idea, why don't the Democrats run on it? I'll give you a hint. Bill Clinton, shrewd politician that he is, signed the welfare reform bill right before his reelection. You may have noticed that the Democrats have not mentioned poverty or unemployment this election campaign. Where's their political will? Maybe they understand that with low unemployment, low interest rates, low inflation, and the best rate of economic growth in the West that most people aren't too sympathetic to the plight of the poor right now.
Clearly you missed the hyperbole. I'm not advocating buying all those houses, though what it would do to the housing market is shore up a VERY weak housing market in most of the country right now. (I was an executive in a national real estate company before coming into social work).
But, since you think we have the economic tiger by the tail, let me ask you this: What do you think is going to happen to the strongest economy in the West when the foreign buyers of the debt (which Atheist rightly pointed out we are borrowing...and I still maintain we are spending it) figure out that they don't need to fly planes into buildings to bring down this government. All they need do is call the damn notes. By the way, I never said anything about Republicans OR Democrats. I asked whether this country had the political will to do something about poverty. You made it a Rep or Dem issue. As far as I can tell, we only have two parties -- the Republicrats and the Demublicans.
"In the midst of winter, I found there was in me an invincible summer." __A. Camus