Babbs, I heard Dana Keith (Dir. of Budget?)is heading to U. of Alabama as, I believe, Assistant VP of Finance?. I think her starting date will be August 2.
reading Dr. Palmer's name really creeped me out. It's not like he decided to depart from the university. I know it is listed that he passed away but it just doesn't seem right listing him.
quote: Originally posted by: lumpy oatmeal "reading Dr. Palmer's name really creeped me out. It's not like he decided to depart from the university. I know it is listed that he passed away but it just doesn't seem right listing him."
Seeing Jesse's name bothered me a bit too, but those of you who knew Jesse speak up about it. Jesse Palmer was probably one of the least corrupt people you'd ever meet. It is no secret that he and Dana Thames (in CISE) were polar opposities. He mentored many faculty members that were then driven away once SFT took the helm. If you look in the archives of the Faculty Senate minutes - you will see his contributions, one of them being that he totally believed that the Faculty Handbook was a "contract" between the admin. and faculty, and that this should not be brushed aside by the current administration. Jesse knew how to "play the game" but you always knew he was in it for ethical reasons. In a little over a year CISE lost Ada Belton, John Davis, and Jesse Palmer. Their deaths are tragic. Speaking for no one but myself, I'm guessing that Jesse would want his name to stay on the list, but I could be wrong. I do truly believe that if he were alive today, he'd be fighting the good fight. Somehow, I know that he is cheering us on.