quote: Originally posted by: stinky cheese man "i've had a number of colleagues go to conferences and relate the USM story only to be told "if you think it's bad there let me tell you about ...." i saw a guy on CSPAN talking about the president of Fort Hays State (in KS) who decided to raise teaching loads to 6 courses a semester (18 hours) . . . he's still president. i'm afraid to say the Chronicle's coverage of USM's story after the initial one may be a reflection of all the horror stories they hear. ours is just one of, unfortunately, too many."
But it doesn't have to be this way. A while back, The Chronicle also ran a story on the Univ. of Central Arkansas, which got a new president and made a complete turn around. I think they had even been censured by the AAUP, and they were cited as an example of how things should go.
The difference in Shelby's house of horrors is the sheer volume, and the complete ignorance/arrogance of the man in charge.
i agree it doesn't have to be this way. and a good administrator can make a significant difference. however, our story is only one of many. i read people saying that they tell colleagues about how bad it is here, and i hear others say that colleagues at other univerisities think it is worse elsewhere. we all want to believe that it can't get worse than here--but it can, i've been at a place where it was.
quote: Originally posted by: stinky cheese man " we all want to believe that it can't get worse than here--but it can, i've been at a place where it was. "
I go to meetings 3 or 4 times a year where I have anywhere from 100 - 400 colleagues from universities from all 50 states, as well as other countries, in attendance. I can guarantee you that through all the complaints that we have about different aspects of our individual universities, everyone agrees that nothing beats the mess at Southern Miss. It greatly concerns them because they are afraid of the precedent that Thames is setting - they worry that this mess will come back to haunt them someday if he is left to continue his fiddling a la Nero (not Peter).
foot soldier--thanks, but i left that place long ago. i learned how bad it can get and have developed coping mechanisms. i also know people at places that have worse situtations.
emma--i know that there are people at professional conferences that find USM a terrible place. what about those that can't afford to attend professional conferences? those are the people at the real academic hell-holes.
quote: Originally posted by: stinky cheese man " . . .Univerisities think it is worse elsewhere. we all want to believe that it can't get worse than here--but it can . . .
They told me, "Cheer up, things could be worse." So I cheered up. And sure enough, things got worse.
quote: Originally posted by: stinky cheese man " emma--i know that there are people at professional conferences that find USM a terrible place. what about those that can't afford to attend professional conferences? those are the people at the real academic hell-holes. "
Good point. The nationally known "council" that convenes these meetings actually pays all of our expenses (since we are also providing a service that we get paid for). Long ago when I first came to USM (the first time Lucas was prez) I listed this group on that form indicating where you get paid for outside services- at that meeting for new faculty - so USM was aware of them.
It is also ironic that the person who owns the local Quiznos franchise is employed by USM. Larry Lee who used to run the golf course is now overseeing all of the conversions ie Barnes and Nobles and Aramark. He reports to Joe Paul. I think it is kind of interesting that the person who is overseeing that effort will gain financially if a Quiznos is opened on campus.
quote: Originally posted by: greener pastures "It is also ironic that the person who owns the local Quiznos franchise is employed by USM. Larry Lee who used to run the golf course is now overseeing all of the conversions ie Barnes and Nobles and Aramark. He reports to Joe Paul. I think it is kind of interesting that the person who is overseeing that effort will gain financially if a Quiznos is opened on campus."
Is Larry Lee the Ole Miss grad who owns the local Quiznos franchise? Not that there's anything wrong with Ole Miss grads working at Southern Miss.
quote: Originally posted by: greener pastures "It is also ironic that the person who owns the local Quiznos franchise is employed by USM. Larry Lee who used to run the golf course is now overseeing all of the conversions ie Barnes and Nobles and Aramark. He reports to Joe Paul. I think it is kind of interesting that the person who is overseeing that effort will gain financially if a Quiznos is opened on campus."
I thought that persons at certain levels within a state organization were required to certify - to Jackson -what, if any, financial interest they had in anything that might present a conflict of interest. I know that used to be the case. Is it not still the case?