Mr. Wonderful's le Citation de la Semaine Award for the week ending July 18 is in commemoration of the fact that this has probably been the quietest week since the inception of the message board. Plug your ears and cover your eyes, children, this week's recipient is educator for this comment:
"We're on a break. It's the calm before the storm. NO FRICK'N QUARTER."
Mr. Wonderful's Selection Committee would like to remind everyone that later this evening the main act will take place: Invictus, Malapropism, and a later-to-be-announced third panelist, will kick off the new Anonymous Polyonymous/Highest Handle/Incognito Burrito/Superior Pseudonym/Superlative Sorbriquest Award. We will now take an intermission, during which time you may purchase educator's CD's, tapes, and other memorabelia in the lobby.