Commercial Dispatch, 8/16/06 By John Mott Coffey
IHL Board prioritizing college construction needs
...A board staff-developed list ranked third MUW's request for $6 million to make dorms safer from fires and to renovate buildings, but it got sent back to the drawing board....
...Jackson State University and Delta State University held the first and second spots on the board staff's list of construction requests.
“Those are critical needs,” Assistant Higher Education Commissioner Frank Alley said of the 22 top projects he ranked in order of importance....
...The state's largest school - the University of Mississippi - appeared 12th down the list with its top-priority request: $10 million to help pay for a new $40 million building to house the law school....
...Mississippi State University had three requested renovation projects on the top-22 list: $12 million for the Harned Hall biological sciences building; $5 million for the agriculture division's Lloyd Ricks building; $3 million for the ROTC's Middleton Hall....