quote: Originally posted by: Eaglegate "Look at the bottom of page #1 of the message board, MoneyMan, and you can tell how many are online. There are 10 online as I post this. "
Hey, thanks Eaglegate. I never even read that part of the board before. So it must be a quiet Sunday or the calm before the storm.
quote: Originally posted by: MoneyMan " Hey, thanks Eaglegate. I never even read that part of the board before. So it must be a quiet Sunday or the calm before the storm."
I suppose everybody is in church tonight except you, me, Green Hornet, and the seven others who are currently online.
quote: Originally posted by: Eaglegate "I suppose everybody is in church tonight except you, me, Green Hornet, and the seven others who are currently online."
Well, I can't go to church. It's against my religion.
The cat seems to have everyone's tongue this evening, so I will mention one thing which might get a comment or two. Friday's SunHerald printed an Associated Press article stating that 24-year-old computer whiz and Republican strategist Josh Gregory, previously a technology consultant under Governor Haley Barbour and Internet Webmaster for the Mississippi Republican Party, as won Mississippi's $2 millilon tourism marketing contract. Gregory's company, founded in Jackson just six months ago, is called Frontier Strategies. GodwinGroup had the contract for the past four years. I mention this only because I recall that GodwinGroup was mentioned previoulsy on this message board, but I can't recall in what context.
quote: Originally posted by: Eaglegate "I forgot to mention one other thing in the article: there was no bidding for the contract, but the contenders submited RFP's."
Here is what the SunHerald Associated Press article said about it. Not unlike the awarding of other state or federal contracts, of course. I mentioned the article simply because of the GodwinGroup name I saw mentioned on previous threads. The article said:
"There was no bidding for the contract. Contenders filed RFPs or written applications called "request for proposals."
"Our experts each replied in writing to questions on the RFP . . . . All of them came to Jackson for the final presentation to the MDA."