What is the purpose of the new publication that is coming out? Why was it created? See below.
SGA leaders announce goals By Vicki McDonald News Editor
To further Cain's communication plan, the SGA will produce and supervise a second campus news publication called The Varsity Voice. Rounding out Cain's plan will be the creation of a USM online community Web site.
My understanding is that the Varsity Voice is being created as a counterweight to the Student Printz, which has not been toeing the line under the Thames regime.
1) Before the Fire Shelby site, the only real source of info / opinion that opposed the administration was the Printz.
2) Shelboo was monitoring the e-mail of at leastone Printz staff member (Rachel Quinliven).
3) Throughout the decades, the Printz has pretty much had a mind of it's own, publishing articles and opinions much like a real newspaper, without worrying about what the administration, faculty, staff, and sometimes the students would think.
4) Although I do not know to what degree the Printz is supported by university funds, I do know that it is not totally dependant upon them, due to the fact that they sell advertising space. Does anyone remember Fred Horn? During his time, he paid thousands of dollars to the Printz to print his many full-page ads.
Given the above, I would speculate that Robert is 100% correct.
I am also of the opinion that the Varsity Voice will quickly turn into a print version of the new "national" liberal radio network, Air America. Lots of big money contributions (in this case, USM), but no listeners (or readers). I imagine that, after a week or two of hype at the new look, students will quickly realize that they are not getting unbiased news or opinions from the Village (excuse me, Varsity!) Voice. I expect to see piles of unread copies laying out in the sun, waiting to be used as birdcage liners.
NOTE: The latest info I had showed that Air America is broadcast on a grand total of 9 radio stations in 4 markets, with an audience measured at less than 10,000 per hour. Compare this with the smallest of the "known" conservative programs, Laura Ingram, who is heard on over 100 stations in over 35 markets, with an audience of over 1.2 Million and hour.
quote: Originally posted by: USM Alum "I am also of the opinion that the Varsity Voice will quickly turn into a print version of the new "national" liberal radio network, Air America."
Let's stay on topic. We agree about Thames and the Varsity Voice-- we should unite around that consensus. Political partisanship only serves do fragment us.
quote: Originally posted by: Tinctoris " Let's stay on topic. We agree about Thames and the Varsity Voice-- we should unite around that consensus. Political partisanship only serves do fragment us."
Yep, I agree with you there. Keep the political stuff on the political threads.
quote: Originally posted by: USM Alum "NOTE: The latest info I had showed that Air America is broadcast on a grand total of 9 radio stations in 4 markets, with an audience measured at less than 10,000 per hour. Compare this with the smallest of the "known" conservative programs, Laura Ingram, who is heard on over 100 stations in over 35 markets, with an audience of over 1.2 Million and hour."
Just to correct your facts...Air America is also broadcast on XM Satellite Radio. At last count, XM had over 1.5 million subscribers.
It will always be the nature of students, especially the smart, feisty ones, to be anti-establishment. I would bet we can count on the better writers and journalism students to stay with the Printz, and not be anyone's lackeys.
quote: Originally posted by: USM Alum "2) Shelboo was monitoring the e-mail of at least one Printz staff member (Rachel Quinliven). "
Her email was not monitored, since she had an AOL account, only AOL can monitor her email. GS's email was being monitored and her email was on his system. There is a difference.
quote: Originally posted by: asdf "Her email was not monitored, since she had an AOL account, only AOL can monitor her email. GS's email was being monitored and her email was on his system. There is a difference."
Semantically correct. Yet, her private emails were entered into evidence in the hearing, thereby making them public (and achieving the same end as direct monitoring).
I don't think her emails were on GS's system. I don't think they ever exchanged mail--at least no messages were presented in the evidence. Her email was to Myron Henry.
I could be wrong, but I do not think that the purpose of the Varsity Voice is any of that in the above posts. I am pretty sure it will be more of a magazine-like publication for students, which will more than likely feature magzine type features such as tips, tricks, calendars, and articles. I am certain it (as well the SGA's new website) will provide the students with updated information on what the SGA is currently working on. I surely hope that this single new concept will not cause everyone to further confirm his or her reasoning on why they dislike the intents of the SGA. However, from the looks of the tones in some previous responses, that seems to be the case. Now, whether or not I am in favor of the Varsity Voice concept, that is a different story.
I'm sorry but you guys have me back on one of my rants.
The Printz is every bit as "lacky" as you claim Walt Cain to be. RQ is just as much of a pawn as WC, they are just pawns to different factions. WC a mouthpiece for Thamse, RQ a mouthpiece for the faculty. Neither have had an origional thought in about 5 years, they just regeritate what ever they are told.
The Printz is garbage and has been since at least the 90's when I first came to USM.
quote: Originally posted by: USM Alum "I imagine that, after a week or two of hype at the new look, students will quickly realize that they are not getting unbiased news or opinions from the Village (excuse me, Varsity!) Voice."
I must disagree with you there. Are you saying that the Printz, or any other newspaper or magazine publication in America is unbiased and that the Varsity Voice will not? 1. If you are, then you are wrong. What one article in the Student Printz might look unbiased to you, might look very biased to me. In fact, TO ME most articles in the Student Printz are biased. 2. I seriously doubt that the Varsity Voice will turn into a 'he said, she said' reporter-type publication. I am pretty sure it will mainly focus of informing the Student Body of recent SGA projects, while including dates for future arts and athletic events, and light entertaining features for their readers to enjoy.
quote: Originally posted by: Seeker "I'm sorry but you guys have me back on one of my rants.
The Printz is every bit as "lacky" as you claim Walt Cain to be. RQ is just as much of a pawn as WC, they are just pawns to different factions. WC a mouthpiece for Thamse, RQ a mouthpiece for the faculty. Neither have had an origional thought in about 5 years, they just regeritate what ever they are told.
The Printz is garbage and has been since at least the 90's when I first came to USM."
Welcome back Seeker. I see you still have many opinions. We all do, but usually keep them to ourselves unless be can back them up with evidence, reason or logic. I would love to hear your evidence or reasons for your statements above. If they are good, you may even convince me.
PLEASE, PLEASE don't tell us "both sides are equally to blame, so RQ must have been a pawn fore the other side".
I hope this one request didn't just erase you evidence and reasons. Sorry.
A small point in reference to Rachel Quinlivan's publicized e-mail correspondence: It has been stated here that the e-mails were between her and either Gary Stringer or Myron Henry. What I recall from the hearings is that it was Frank Glamser who was accused (wrongly) of having an "inappropriate relationship" with a student (Rachel) for having written to her in an e-mail that in his opinion many faculty would be happy to write her a good recommendation.
In any case, making her e-mail correspondence public was inexcusable, and using this to construe some sort of inappropriate relationship was indecent and downright stupid.
As to the purpose of the Varsity Voice, we shall just have to wait and see. I have admired the staff and writers of the Student Printz for their candor and courage in reporting events AS THEY SAW THEM during the Thames reign. If an alternative publication such as the VV wishes to report events from a different viewpoint, they are, of course, free to do so; let us only hope that they are candid as to WHOSE views they are reporting. (If, for example, we discover any connection whatsoever between the VV and Lisa Mader's office, we can be dead sure that the VV is good for nothing but bird cage lining -- if that. Personally, I find that so much spin makes my Golden Eagle vomit.)
quote: Originally posted by: truth4usm/AH "Just to correct your facts...Air America is also broadcast on XM Satellite Radio. At last count, XM had over 1.5 million subscribers."
You obviously haven't read the Printz under Rachel Quinlivan's editorship. Her newspaper reported facts and very properly covered both sides of the issues being reported on; all reportage was balanced and judicious. And if my memory serves, RQ didn't write a single editorial or opinion column about the mess the Printz staff was reporting on, until the final paper of the year when she did express her own feelings at having been drawn into testimony and the evidence by Shelby's prying. Read it; it's a tough-minded and moving piece of writing, by a student as independent as any I've seen here, ever.
quote: Originally posted by: Seeker "I'm sorry but you guys have me back on one of my rants. The Printz is every bit as "lacky" as you claim Walt Cain to be. RQ is just as much of a pawn as WC, they are just pawns to different factions. WC a mouthpiece for Thamse, RQ a mouthpiece for the faculty. Neither have had an origional thought in about 5 years, they just regeritate what ever they are told. The Printz is garbage and has been since at least the 90's when I first came to USM."
you sound like a cheerleader for RQ. perhaps you or others have some type of agenda in supporting her. Are you dating or related to her? Perhaps the Varsity Voice will reinforce the economic theory that competition makes for better quality products to choose from.
Furthermore, so what if Lisa Mader helps with the Varsity Voice. I believe a paid staffer helps with the Student Printz. Isn't it fair game?
The more publications on campus the better. I believe alternative publications exist at Ole Miss and MSU, albeit sucky alternatives. Let the readers choose what's quality for themselves.
Originally posted by: SGA staffer "Lash LaRue, you sound like a cheerleader for RQ. perhaps you or others have some type of agenda in supporting her. Are you dating or related to her?
An uncalled-for remark. Anyone who read the old FS board remembers how much we all admired RQ and were her cheerleaders in a very tough time.
Originally posted by: SGA staffer "Lash LaRue, you sound like a cheerleader for RQ. perhaps you or others have some type of agenda in supporting her. Are you dating or related to her? "
Great argument, SGA staffer! Only- you didn't respond to Lash's points about RQ's actions while at the Printz, and instead accuse Lash of being biased. There is actually a name for your error in logic, called ad hominem, attacking the person. It means rather than bringing up facts which contradict your opponent's argument you challenge your opponent's character. Since you thought it appropriate to bring up personal biases, what prompted you to write the above anyhow? Defensive because you're involved in the new "student" publication? Grow up.
By taking money from Lisa Mader and other administrative personnel for an alternative publication, Varsity Voice becomes beholden to them. Money talks.
It is the purpose of the journalism department and the staff associated with the student newspaper to teach unbiased reporting in news stories. If you will reread the Student Prinz publications you will find that they have done a good job. The news stories are balanced and fair. The editorials, on the other hand, reflect opionion not news--but they upfront in saying so.
Originally posted by: Ditto Bot "SGA and other students.............. By taking money from Lisa Mader and other administrative personnel for an alternative publication, Varsity Voice becomes beholden to them. Money talks. It is the purpose of the journalism department and the staff associated with the student newspaper to teach unbiased reporting in news stories. If you will reread the Student Prinz publications you will find that they have done a good job. The news stories are balanced and fair. The editorials, on the other hand, reflect opionion not news--but they upfront in saying so. "
This is certainly true Ditto, however the SGA is not taking any money from Lisa Mader. The SGA recieves their money from a portion of the Student Activities fees that are assessed to students enrolled each semester. As far as I am aware, SGA members have not even contacted the PR department with regards to the Varsity Voice. Wherever the idea that Lisa Mader was involved in this came from, I would like to put it to rest.
Furthermore, as far as I hear, the SGA is not taking anything away from the Student Printz. The good news is though that the Printz can still do what they have always been doing. This is just an additional publication, which will be in the format of a magazine, providing students with magazine-like facts, tips, articles, and features. Most importantly, it will update the students on what projects the SGA has been working on and it will not be used as a retaliation method towards the Printz.
Want my opinion? Personally, I think that there is a better way of the SGA reaching the student body without having to waste its time and its resources on the Varsity Voice. But that's a whole different story.
From what I understand, V.Voice will have a significant ONLINE presence. Another publication is needed for the students because the Printz has been very limited in addressing the opinions of students, perhaps due to space requirements or perhaps due to biases and personal missions. The faculty can have all their voices heard on the AAUP board, and now the students can have theirs heard on the V.Voice board. Of course, it matters more who will actually be reading and listening. Because it is an SGA pub, I would think it would be taken more seriously than the Printz, which at times does seem to be heavily influenced by faculty and journalist-wannabe's.
The Printz ought to follow with their own bulletin board so that readers can comment on the stories it runs. I know personally that I have sent the Printz 4 follow-ups from Feb. to April, all regarding the Thames/Faculty issue, and not one was published.
quote: Originally posted by: Professor-wannabe "From what I understand, V.Voice will have a significant ONLINE presence. Another publication is needed for the students because the Printz has been very limited in addressing the opinions of students, perhaps due to space requirements or perhaps due to biases and personal missions. The faculty can have all their voices heard on the AAUP board, and now the students can have theirs heard on the V.Voice board. Of course, it matters more who will actually be reading and listening. Because it is an SGA pub, I would think it would be taken more seriously than the Printz, which at times does seem to be heavily influenced by faculty and journalist-wannabe's. The Printz ought to follow with their own bulletin board so that readers can comment on the stories it runs. I know personally that I have sent the Printz 4 follow-ups from Feb. to April, all regarding the Thames/Faculty issue, and not one was published."
You are right. The SGA will debut its Varsity website to the Southern Miss student body in August. If I am not mistaken, the Varsity website and Varsity Voice will work hand in hand. Hopefully students will take it as a serious medium to express their complaints and voice their suggestions. I am all in favor for this website, which will bring nothing but good things to the SGA, as it will be reaching to more of their constituents this way.
I also agree that the Printz should have something similar. I know several people like you Wannabe, who sent in their two cents on the Thames controversy throughought the Spring semester and did not see their thoughts in print. Nice idea!
quote: Originally posted by: truth4usm/AH "Just to correct your facts...Air America is also broadcast on XM Satellite Radio. At last count, XM had over 1.5 million subscribers."
And this little bit of info comes from where?
Also, is it fair to compare Air America--only been in operation less than a year--to Rush--been fouling up the airways for many, many years? Just a thought...
quote: Originally posted by: truth4usm/AH " And this little bit of info comes from where? "
I don't know who posted these ratings, but I read them in the New York Post either this morning, or yesterday, I forget which day.
As to the ever-dwindling Air America audience, if you've ever attempted to listen to their programming, you'll understand the problem, and it has nothing to do with Limbaugh and his adherants. While on the northeastern seaboard and then later driving across New England last month, I made several valiant attempts to listen to the various AA programs, and I swear it was like the radio airwaves version of Chinese water torture. Lame to no wit or humor, almost no callers (not even liberal callers), just dead air punctuated by blather and repetitive reading of talking points. I'm sorry, no offense to anyone, but it was just awful.
quote: Originally posted by: truth4usm/AH " And this little bit of info comes from where? Also, is it fair to compare Air America--only been in operation less than a year--to Rush--been fouling up the airways for many, many years? Just a thought..."
The original numbers were taken from The Drudge Report site (www.drudgereport.com), but the sources used for that report are listed below. Please note that WABC (Rush Limbaugh / Sean Hannity) is ranked as tied for #7 in the NYC market, while WLIB (Air America) is ranked #24.
Considering the great fanfare that preceeded the launch of Air America as "the liberal answer to Rush Limbaugh and his right wing consipracy of radical conservative talk radio hosts", it is completely fair to compare the two. They entered the arena fair and square, wanting to play with the big boys. They have no one but themselves to blame if they are getting their tails spanked. After only a few months, their ratings are either flat, or going down. Not so on the conservative side . . .
Note to the XM Satalite crowd: Even supposing that every single one of XM's subscribers tuned in to the Air America broadcast every day, Limbaugh and Hannity each beat their numbers handily. Also, Limbaugh and Hannity each have a large number of listeners who "tune in" using the Internet.
quote: Originally posted by: More Facts " They entered the arena fair and square, wanting to play with the big boys. They have no one but themselves to blame if they are getting their tails spanked. "
Wow, you really have an axe to grind re: Air America. What's your beef with liberals getting involved in the talk radio phenomenon? Does it really matter who is "winning" in terms of ratings? I believe it's good that there is an alternative to the drivel of Rush & Co. Extreme radical conservatives have had a stranglehold on the airwaves long enough.
quote: Originally posted by: truth4usm/AH " Wow, you really have an axe to grind re: Air America. What's your beef with liberals getting involved in the talk radio phenomenon? Does it really matter who is "winning" in terms of ratings? I believe it's good that there is an alternative to the drivel of Rush & Co. Extreme radical conservatives have had a stranglehold on the airwaves long enough. PS--XM is now up to over 2 million subscribers. "
Actually, I only decided to continue grinding the axe you started with!
"Also, is it fair to compare Air America--only been in operation less than a year--to Rush--been fouling up the airways for many, many years? Just a thought..."
". . . fouling up the airwaves?" " . . . drivel of Rush & Co.?"
Truth, you have every right as an American citizen to hold whatever opinion you want to on any subject you choose. As a fellow citizen, I both support and defend your right to do so. However, in an above posting, after agreeing with someone else that the "political stuff" needed to be limited to the "political threads", you then turned around and placed another post immediately after that one to "correct" USM Alum's "facts." I will admit up front that you did not start injecting hard opinions about all of this until after my first post, but I have to take note that USM Alum did not post anything at all after your first post on this thread. Apparently, he/she agreed with you to keep "the political stuff" off this thread. It is also apparent that you did not.
I have absolutely no beef with liberals, conservatives, environmentalists, christians, non-christians, or anyone else getting involved with talk radio. I think that it's a great way for people to express their viewpoints, much like this message board. I personally believe that the free expression of ideas is one of the cornerstones of our American society, which is why I agree with the general thrust of this message board.
I do have a beef with people who agree to something, then turn around and immediately "break their own rules." This is why, when I came across the blurb on the Drudge Report, I felt compelled to post it, since USM Alum obviously was going to comply with the "rule" you so readily agreed to, then so readily broke by "correcting" his/her "facts."
"Does it really matter who is "winning" in terms of ratings?" Actually, it does!!! Radio stations live or die by thier ratings scales, because these ratings determine the amounts that they can charge for advertising. Low ratings = Low to No money. Radio stations have bills to pay like the rest of us. If they can't pay them, they go off the air. (Remember WHSY/Y104 in Hattiesburg? This happened to them several years ago.) If Air America cannot generate good ratings for the radio stations that carry them, those stations will be forced to remove them from the air in favor of programs that generate better ratings. XM Satelite, even though it is a subscriber service like HBO, will have to consider the same issue. Why should XM carry a program that is not popular vs. carrying one that is? The popular one will generate more subscribers, the unpopular one will not. I think the following excerpt from Austin Eagle's post sums it up:
"I made several valiant attempts to listen to the various AA programs, and I swear it was like the radio airwaves version of Chinese water torture. Lame to no wit or humor, almost no callers (not even liberal callers), just dead air punctuated by blather and repetitive reading of talking points. I'm sorry, no offense to anyone, but it was just awful. AE"
And that is truly sad. I also believe that it's good to have alternative viewpoints to all political "positions." As I said above, I believe that the free expression of ideas is one of the cornerstones of our society. Even if I don't necessarily agree with what they may have to say, I think that it would be sad to see Air America go down. They have every right as American citizens to present their views and opinions on television, in print, or on the radio.
However, American citizens also have the right to not listen to them, or anyone else, as well. Both the popularity of their views and the way they present them will determine if they will survive or not. It's the Free Market of the airwaves.