July 25 a.m.: New information on USMPride.com: Gender and 2004 Merit Raises, Part III. Also review status of litigation to open USM Foundation to freedom of information requests. To date, USM has spent tens of thousands of taxpayer dollars to hide what administrators are doing with USM Foundation donations. Administrators use taxpayer dollars to fight and suppress individuals who ask questions like they did with Glamser and Stringer. What are they hiding?
I read the material posted last night about the EFIB Eval form. What is that "Literature Presence" entry? My department's form doesn't have "Literature Presence" on it. Looks like Carter's whittled another stick to hit his faculty with.
If you look at the top of the form, it says "College of Business." If the other departments are using a different form, then the title of this one is a lie/sham.
COB Confidential, Part III "Just what sorts of things in academia are not confidential? You might be amazed. We recently visited one of the homepages of The Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education and found some interesting items. For instance, Stephen Bushardt (Professor of Management) serves on the Journal's editorial review board . . .
31st and Pearl, Part II - A Commentary from a Contributor "If you have been following usmpride.com reports on gender equity in CoB salaries, you're as confused as we are with Dean Doty's vision in this area. It appears to us that he's managed to create at least as many new issues and salary inversions as he's turned around since his arrival three years ago . . .
Chauncey DePree
Your ongoing interest in USMPride.com is greatly appreciated. As of July 25, 2006 at 6:00 a.m. there have been 194883 hits with 69244 hits in the time we have been discussing evaluations and pay raises. This site has been visited by people from more than 40 states, numerous foreign countries and includes visitors from hundreds of Colleges and Universities.
Also, review the status of litigation to open USM Foundation to freedom of information requests. To date, USM has spent tens of thousands of taxpayer dollars to hide what administrators are doing with USM Foundation donations. Administrators use taxpayer dollars to fight and suppress individuals who ask questions like they did with Glamser and Stringer. What are they hiding?
Pileum's lawyers are desperate to keep its corporate officers from being deposed. You'll remember that Jill Beneke sat next to President Thames during the Glamser/Stringer hearing. Stay tuned.
School of Accountancy and Information Systems
College of Business
University of Southern Mississippi
July 26, a.m. New information on USMPride.com: George Carter's "Literature Presence" An Investigation into Ad Hoc Policies & Procedures in the CoB.
"A previous post at usmpride.com, entitled “On the Folly of Believing that the Merit Raise Process is Clean,” pointed out that economics and finance faculty were informing others that their chair, George Carter (Professor of Economics), had inserted a number of controversial items into their annual faculty evaluation form. At the center of these allegations is the so-called “Literature Presence” category,” a line-item Carter is reportedly using, on a case-by-case basis, to assess the “name recognition” (or lack thereof) of EcoFinIB faculty in their respective fields. As usmpride.com readers now know, a copy of that evaluation form has since surfaced, validating the claim in “On the Folly of . . .”. This report examines in more detail the use of this new category in EcoFinIB."
I'm pleased that mindless attacks from administrators or their advocates appear to be stiffled. If they do show up on the registered version of this Board, I encourage them to use their own names. Keep in mind that an administrator or his/her advocate do not face retaliation like me, because they are doing the biding of those who control the university. They have nothing at risk except to reveal to readers of this Board their ilk. Readers will then have the opportunity to see what anyone in the CoB or this university who dares to speak out faces. (If anyone, including admininstrators or their advocates, is concerned about the information on USMPride, we have and will continue to correct or include their versions of events.)
School of Accountancy and Information Systems
College of Business
University of Southern Mississippi
A document entitled "COLLEGE OF BUSINESS ASSESSMENT ACTIVITIES SUMMARY: 2003-2005 was discovered today on the CoB's website by some of the authors. In keeping with their request, I am uploading it tonight so that readers can begin digesting it. New reports will be produced based on it.
31st and Pearl, Part III. "After examining usmpride.com's investigation of the USM Foundation, here's our question: If only 19.5 cents of every dollar that Gene Carlisle donates to the CoB's Business Advisory Counsel goes to support business students, how many Wendy's franchises would it take to put a business major thoruhg school at USM?"
USM CoB Ties. The following is a report on ties to other U.S. colleges and universities in the USM CoB.
Thought for the day: Does anyone else find it funny that fools complain about CoB "invasions" but beg us to visit their threads?
School of Accountancy and Information Systems
College of Business
University of Southern Mississippi
The assessment document -- I've never seen that before. It's the Doty gameplan from the past 2-3 years. I would bet that few outside of the administration have laid eyes on that document. It's very telling.
The BAC document is eye-opening. 51% of donations go to operating expenses? Don't let the BAC members see that one.
The CoB Ties document appears to be a reprint of a document that was posted here a few months ago. Another amazing document! Who knew so many CoB faculty were home grown? Looks like the McCain "homegrown" plan is alive and well in the CoB.
Keep it coming, Dr. DePree!
Professor, Department of Management and Marketing, USM CoB
July 27 a.m.: New information on USMPride.com. "Follow the Money: Revelations of Dean Doty's Curriculum Vita. 'With these 3 publications, Doty matches his best-ever productivity. Could this resurgence of research be in preparation for a return to faculty?' "
School of Accountancy and Information Systems
College of Business
University of Southern Mississippi
1. “Who hold the Kaetsu Professorship? An Investigation into Missing Supplemental Funds in the CoB.
2. “Are we supposed to believe that Ed Nissan and Charles Sawyer are same simply because Carter states that they both maintain “literature presence?”
3. “What is a CoB degree worth? [After reviewing these salaries,] "[l]ooks like Chen should pick up a USM MBA ASAP. They still offer tuition breaks for faculty who take classes, don't they?”
A note to Andrea Hewitt: You and I have never met. The following message from a highly respected non-CoB faculty raises a question many wonder about. Without your trademark allusions, like delusions of grandeur, be truthful. Here's how the highly respected non-CoB professor put it: "There many of us non-COB people who find what you are doing to be positively amazing. I don't understand Andrea's position with you at all. We think you are at the heart of USM's tawdry exposure. Keep it coming."
You are not fooling anyone, Andrea.
School of Accountancy and Information Systems
College of Business
University of Southern Mississippi
July 28 a.m.: In an effort to lighten the mood early on Friday morning, a first time contributor provided A Mock Sedona Interview with a CoB Administrator. "USMPRIDE: Thanks for sitting down with us today, and sharing your thoughts about the new calendar year [200] in the CoB. How are the preparations for the annual faculty reviews going? . . ."
School of Accountancy and Information Systems
College of Business
University of Southern Mississippi
My mood is always light. One has the little flares of the temper, n'est ce pas, but one greets the day with joy and a cup of most excellent cafe' au lait. One seeks to become less interested in oneself, and more engage' with the larger world.
Chez de Guerre wrote: My mood is always light. One has the little flares of the temper, n'est ce pas, but one greets the day with joy and a cup of most excellent cafe' au lait. One seeks to become less interested in oneself, and more engage' with the larger world.
M. de G.
Thanks, M. de G. Engaging in dialogue with the larger world is one of the joys of publishing research. You offer ideas (offer part of oneself) and get ideas in return. If you're open, a new self arises to start over again. Also, novels (see lulu.com/depree)--an entirely different and delightlful group of people you'll meet.
School of Accountancy and Information Systems
College of Business
University of Southern Mississippi
July 28, 3:15 p.m. New informaiton on USMPride.com:
On Jul 28, 2006, at 11:00 AM, Ty Black (former CoB dean) wrote: "Marc, I did hold the Kaetsu professorship for two years prior to Alvin Williams's appointment, which I believe occurred last summer.
Please remove the line in the Kaetsu section of your website that reads "possibly as a vehicle for boosting his PERS package." I did NOT receive a stipend for my Kaetsu activities, just expense money to cover the costs of hosting the Kaetsu president and Simon Clay and to provide some meals and entertainment for Kaetsu students attending the ELI. I am very disappointed that you would print such a derogatory statement without checking with me. I expect an immediate retraction. Ty P.S. For the record, Tim Hudson NEVER held the Kaetsu Professorship"
See my response and the revised version of "Who Now Holds the Kaetsu Professorship?"
Your comments are a valuable input to USMPride.com
School of Accountancy and Information Systems
College of Business
University of Southern Mississippi
July 28 p.m. New information on USMPride.com: 31st and Pearl, Part V.
“A Distinguished Professorship held in secret. Where else but “Mississippi’s Business School” is there so much PRIDE in who they are and what they do that they want to keep it all hidden? That is the question we have after reading the Special Report here at usmpride.com on the “missing” Kaetsu Distinguished Professorship in International Business . . .”
School of Accountancy and Information Systems
College of Business
University of Southern Mississippi