Whew! For a minute I thought that THEATRE tickets for the summer productions were lagging!
Okay, all you used car hucksters, dentists' wives, and paving meisters out there. Put your money where your mouth is and support USM! I know that SFT is on the way out, which is distressing to many of you. The consolation for all of us will be that our sports teams' performance will be on the way up. Don't be fair weather fans, basing your support on who is presiding in the Dome! Buy season tickets for sports, the symphony, and the theatre. While you are at it, write a check to the development account of the academic department that was nice enough to train you.
The Athletic Department made a major blunder when they lined up with SFT against the faculty. They should have remained neutral, a option that was suggested by some connected with the department. Many faculty have done what I did, no more checks to support athletics and no more tickets purchased.