oldCBAer wrote: Will the "this is research" crowd please explain the use of an incomplete and unverified data base to generate the usmpride faculty research rankings. Don't give them credit where none is due, Old CBAer. It isn't a "crowd"; heck, it isn't even a "mob" anymore. DePree is playing out his narcissistic fantasy that he's actually doing some good while he has "fun" at the expense of others. Mixon massages the data and curries favor so that DePree's wife will protect him when his "cleverness" has gone too far. King occasionally "stirs the pot" on DePree's behalf to protect his ongoing relationship with DePree's wife's law firm. Lindley provides "independent" commentary as if he were an objective observer of it all.
Yentas’s Coffee Clutch, Your comments are well spoken and insightful. Count repeatedly suggests putting questions to a vote of the faculty and the mob argues against democracy. The last time the mob made a motion in a faculty meeting they mustered only eight votes. Your post identifies five members of the mob and their relationships.
Count, at this point the mob will not bring anything to a vote as it demonstrates how ineffective they are with their agenda. Having attacked the faculty in accounting, management and marketing, and the gulf coast, they lack the ability to build a coalition that could muster a majority of votes in a faculty meeting. The behavior of this group has alienated most of the faculty and to such a degree; the majority will oppose anything put forward by this group. They are losers whose numbers will decline as some retire, others do not receive tenure, and some take a job somewhere else.
Yentas’s Coffee Clutch, Your comments are well spoken and insightful. Count repeatedly suggests putting questions to a vote of the faculty and the mob argues against democracy. The last time the mob made a motion in a faculty meeting they mustered only eight votes. Your post identifies five members of the mob and their relationships. Sean Salters is part of the cabal. Who are the other two? M.V.? S.L.? Count, at this point the mob will not bring anything to a vote as it demonstrates how ineffective they are with their agenda. Having attacked the faculty in accounting, management and marketing, and the gulf coast, they lack the ability to build a coalition that could muster a majority of votes in a faculty meeting. The behavior of this group has alienated most of the faculty and to such a degree; the majority will oppose anything put forward by this group. They are losers whose numbers will decline as some retire, others do not receive tenure, and some take a job somewhere else.
Dear Board Moderator,
Please note the post quoted above by Petruchio. He/she is indicating by name or initials in a public forum how some faculty in business college voted on an issue or issues at a faculty meeting. He/she is also stating, in a public forum, the certain members of the business school will not be receiving tenure. Certainly "Counting the Days" does not condone such behavior. Maybe Count would like associate/distance him- or herself from these statements publicly as well.
You made comments previously about "actionable statements." It's hard to recall any more ominous than these.
oldCBAer, Thank you for your comments. My offers to you remain open. When you calm down, call me. Marc 601-268-0372
Dr. Depree.
I am as calm as a turtle but still don't care to meet with you. You have a history of publicly denigrating those you disagree with, both colleagues and administrators. It would be interesting to count the number of COBers you have attacked, ridiculed, and bismirched either in your "Choking Dead Chickens" or on usmpride; my guess is that the number is at least a score or more.
I believe that your respopose to criticism of the usmpride tables has been hypocritical. You profess to value openness, transparency, collegiality, and shared governance, but the table compilation and reporting process violates every one of those principles. Your response to criticism has been to deflect by raising other issues but never addressing the problems pointed out.
You have a link on usmpride comparing the salaries of Professors Nissan and Sawyer and listing the current COB service responsibilities of each. The implication is that given the two service records, Dr. Nissan is relatively overpaid, and that Dr. Sawyer is underpaid due to Nissan's manipulation of the system. If you want to argue that Dr. Sawyer is underpaid, and I a believe such a case can be made, why not just focus on his productivity and how he ranks relative to AACSB averages? Dr. Nissan has never been an administrator; he has nothing to do with Dr. Sawyer's salary. Dr. Nissan has been a productive member of the COB for a very long time, and was doing research before the COB had a research culture. Given his record of contributions, he is NOT overpaid; I think you owe him an apology for suggesting otherwise. I bring this situation up as an example of your willingness to denigrate your colleagues in quest of your personal agenda.
I believe that you are sincere in thinking that your efforts will improve the college and the university; however, your methods are creating collateral damage that I believe far exceeds any potential benefits at this time.
Dear Board Moderator, Please note the post quoted above by Petruchio. He/she is indicating by name or initials in a public forum how some faculty in business college voted on an issue or issues at a faculty meeting. He/she is also stating, in a public forum, the certain members of the business school will not be receiving tenure. Certainly "Counting the Days" does not condone such behavior. Maybe Count would like associate/distance him- or herself from these statements publicly as well. You made comments previously about "actionable statements." It's hard to recall any more ominous than these.
I've been in touch with the WM, and will let him/her make the call on this one. Please remember we're not on duty 24/7.
Dear Board Moderator, Please note the post quoted above by Petruchio. He/she is indicating by name or initials in a public forum how some faculty in business college voted on an issue or issues at a faculty meeting...It's hard to recall any more ominous than these.
Where was your voice when Frank Mixon revealed how each person in the University Tenure and Promotion Committee voted on D.D.’s promotion in an e-mail sent to the entire faculty in COB? I believe the COB mob defended this behavior as a good thing. If you do not recall the e-mail, I have a copy and will be glad to post it for you.
I here you and have no plans to post the e-mails. I did not identify how each person voted as it was by secret ballot. Secondly, I did not suggest that any particular person would not receive tenure but recognized that no everyone does receive tenure. I think the poster is just overreacting.
Since oldCBAer is so calm and reasoned, you may want him/her to add some more items to your web site. I have a suggestion, have oldCBAer provide his\her own empirical evidence to demonstrate how well, and fairly, CBA and the departments have been managed. OldCBAer may have information and/or data that you do not. He/she has been very vociferous and elegant in critiquing your tables and information. It could be that he/she is, or has been an administrator and possess a great deal inside information. We all could benefit from his insights. Moreover, this would allow him/her to put a positive focus on the issue.
It would be interesting to count the number of COBers you have attacked, ridiculed, and bismirched either in your "Choking Dead Chickens" or on usmpride; my guess is that the number is at least a score or more. I
While the Moderator and the Webmaster confer about the incessent CoB feuds, I hope they will take these words by oldCBAer into account. The CobMob, post FireShelby, has been allowed to post lies, innuendo, and rumor with impunity. If those who would finally take a stand and censor the CobMob are, in turn, censored by this website then it's time to cry foul.
In favor of Registration wrote: The CobMob, post FireShelby, has been allowed to post lies, innuendo, and rumor with impunity. If those who would finally take a stand and censor the CobMob are, in turn, censored by this website then it's time to cry foul.
What you fellows don't understand is that people outside COB have no idea who most of you are or what you're talking about. How do you expect moderators or anybody else to evaluate your posts? Every now and then it gets so wild or so outrageous, they intervene, but they aren't omniscient. You've been begged to start your own board. You could get an impartial outside party to moderate for you and quit torturing everybody else.
You've been begged to start your own board. You could get an impartial outside party to moderate for you and quit torturing everybody else.
I sympathize with Not A Cobber. It is not often interesting to read posts on topics that are narrowly focused. That is my reaction when I read a post by a phantom French woman who flitters around with her aide de camp. I merely ignore the posts, or even the entire thread. The issues that are being debated on this thread are common across the university and are execrated by the steady deterioration of the University. If most faculty are like me, part of the physic pleasure of being a faculty member is the interaction with other scholars and feeling that you are a part of a positive and collegial group. That environment existed, at least for me, when I came to USM, and it continued for many years. Much has changed. The environment deteriorates when you have mismanagement and a lack of professionalism from the top down. The wholesale sacking of Deans by SFT left a large leadership hole and many of our best have faculty left. What is left are many new faculty who must remain under the radar and try to be productive, and the flotsam who cannot easily leave because they have no market appeal. By default, many of the flotsam group have become administrators in an effort to improve their financial situation. Unfortunately, they are no better, or worse, as administrators than they were as faculty. The difference is that they now have much more power to make departments and colleges worse. I find it hard to believe that the same issues being debated in COB are not also issues in other colleges since many of the highly productive faculty that left were in other colleges. I suspect you can tell from my post that I have not been optimistic about USM for some time.
geez--USF is a tier 4 university like us, and i'd rank about 15th in COB in my google scholar cites. sadly, google scholar misses a lot of my publications. oh well.
given i'm not sure how they are doing citation counts on usmpride, i might rank as high as 8th or 9th. i need a transfer of colleges. not!!
The citation count business does seem a little fuzzy. For example, Chauncey Marc Depree's rank is based on 12 citations when, upon closer examination, he has only 4 citations. It appears that publications never cited were counted as one each. The revised citation count ranks him below former Accounting Department Director and Faculty Senate representative Crockett, whom he is so fond of criticizing. Full and complete disclosure on Depree's website? Not hardly.
Take a deep breath, Full and Complete Disclosure. Keep in mind, if there are errors, as we said many times, we correct them. And you don't have to ding me in the process, though if you must vent that's okay, too. Keep in mind, that you and I can like someone personally and still disagree with them, including Professor Crockett. People are not all bad or all good, so let me recommend that we work to make sure the information is accurate. We can agree on making sure our informaiton is accurate as a way to have a fruitful dialogue.
Full and Complete Disclosure wrote: stinky cheese man wrote: given i'm not sure how they are doing citation counts on usmpride, i might rank as high as 8th or 9th. i need a transfer of colleges. not!! The citation count business does seem a little fuzzy. For example, Chauncey Marc Depree's rank is based on 12 citations when, upon closer examination, he has only 4 citations. It appears that publications never cited were counted as one each. The revised citation count ranks him below former Accounting Department Director and Faculty Senate representative Crockett, whom he is so fond of criticizing. Full and complete disclosure on Depree's website? Not hardly.
........Chauncey Marc Depree's rank is based on 12 citations when, upon closer examination, he has only 4 citations. It appears that publications never cited were counted as one each. The revised citation count ranks him below former Accounting Department Director and Faculty Senate representative Crockett, whom he is so fond of criticizing. Full and complete disclosure on Depree's website? Not hardly.
Here's a modest proposal. Would all the DePree bashers consider starting their very own "Get Marc DePree" message board? I assure you that 98% of the time, the rest of us have no idea what in the hail you're talking about and couldn't care less. As for USM Pride, whatever personal axes you may have to grind, DePree is at least making an attempt to expose the corruption of the USM Foundation and their back room financial shenanigans. For that I commend him. As for the rest of the sniping, I respectfully suggest that it be taken elsewhere.
[CITATION] Coping With environmental and tort claims - FindIt! Full-text Link CM Depree, RK Jude - MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING-NEW YORK-, 1995 - INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTANTS Cited by 2 - Web Search - BL Direct
If he were reporting it on his website, the three different presentations of his name would be a scandal proving deception, corruption, and a history of misrepresentation and bias!
Civility? As related to the cobquad? Give us a break!
De Pree, Depree, DePree? If he were reporting it on his website, the three different presentations of his name would be a scandal proving deception, corruption, and a history of misrepresentation and bias! Civility? As related to the cobquad? Give us a break!
The problem with your assertion is that he has no control over how his name is entered in Google Scholar. We are back to square one now, DePree has 13 cites and Crockett has less than half of MD's. I believe MD has more than the combined number of several combos of Accounting faculty, including SC and CJ.
First the Doty Toadies -- I believe it was oldCBAer in particular -- wanted citations to be included as a major sign of research quality.
When it turns out that they don't look so good on an independent citation source, citations are suddenly flawed.
Perhaps the CoB Mob has control over Google as well as usmpride.com now.
Al of the documents presented at usmpride.com are excellent jumping off points for discussions about a quality and transparent evaluation system, which would be refreshing given what is now in place. However, such a discussion will not happen until the Doty Toadies decide to do a little work to establish a platform of their own.
Plenty of information has been presented already to suggest that the CoB system is broken and corrupted, most with cited references. No evidence has been presented to suggest that the current system is proper, unless you count an anonymous poster's "word" as fact.
Perhaps some of those across the campus who read usmpride.com are beginning to question just why it is that individuals with few refereed publications and few SCH's generated are getting the big money raises. Perhaps there really are some secret categories aside from service, research, and teaching?
[CITATION] Common methods bias: Does common methods variance really bias results DH Doty, WH Glick - Organizational Research Methods, 1998 Cited by 58 - Web Search
[CITATION] Theoretical frameworks in strategic human resource management: Universalistic, contingency, and … JE Delery, DH Doty - Academy of Management Journal, 1996 Cited by 15 - Web Search
[CITATION] Skill-based pay: Practices, payoffs, pitfalls and prescriptions GD Jenkins, GE Ledford, N Gupta, DH Doty - Scottsdale, Arizona: American Compensation Association, 1992 Cited by 12 - Web Search
[CITATION] Survey-based prescriptions for skill-based pay N Gupta, GE Ledford, GD Jenkins, DH Doty - ACA Journal, 1992 Cited by 8 - Web Search
[CITATION] Skill-based pay: Practices, payoffs, pitfalls, and prospects GD Jenkins Jr, GE Ledford Jr, N Gupta, DH Doty - Scottsdale, AZ: American Compensation Association, 1992 Cited by 2 - Web Search
[CITATION] A longitudinal analysis of human capital investments based on real options theory M Bhattacharya, DH Doty - 2001 - Working paper, Fairfield University Cited by 2 - Web Search
More information is better than less, so I appreciate what usmpride is trying to do. However, this info is curiously absent from usmpride's presentation of cites.
Using that technique, Doty has about 870 cites That would make him the CoB leader by a wide margin.
870 cites, did you say? That's not nearly as prestigious as holding an earned J.D. from the renowned Thomas Cooley School of Law, but it's mighty darn impressive. That must explain why ole Harold is dean, and has an unrestricted booze account.