Mr. Wonderful's Le Citation de la Semaine Award: July 4
Because the Award is now given on a weekly rather than a daily basis, the Committee deemed it proper to change its name. The committee member who did the translation grew up in South Louisiana and learned French on a self-taught basis. We hope she got it right.
Rather than spend the July 4 weekend engaging in the traditional Independence Day activities of picnics, firecrackers, and watermelons, the Committee spent the weekend studying the Declaration of Independence, and concluded it is structured along the lines of a deductive argument that can be put in syllogistic form with this major premise: When a government deliberately seeks to reduce the people under abosolute despotism, the people have a right, indeed a duty, to create new guards for their future security.
The Selection Committee determined that the quote coming the closest to the spirit of the above major premise was that posted by truth4usm who said: "Faculty and Staff should SHARE THE BLAME just as soon as Shelboo SHARES THE GOVERNANCE."
Congratulations, truth4usm. Mr. Wonderful's Le Citation dela Semaine Award for Independence Day is yours! And thanks to you, Malapropism, for spotting this wonderful quote earlier in the week.