You sound very much like the anti-faculty letters to the papers. I think the faculty might stop writing, if they weren't faced with such a smear campaign. They feel they have to defend themselves in the wake of so many letters against them which are inaccurate and insulting, and have clearly been orchestrated by someone. If the general public were educated about higher education, Mississippi would be much better off, in numerous ways. You clearly do not understand the atmosphere on campus or the character of Shelby Thames. What you're asking is for us to be quiet until Hitler gets finished invading Poland. We are supposed to be quiet in the face of unethical and potentially illegal acts? I think not. This thread is really off track, so I'll quit. But LVN is a sweetheart, and you're not making any friends by criticizing him/her. I bet Judge Cooley never sent you any flowers. . . . .
Please correct me if I'm wrong, but your posts to me come across as "I'm not a Thames supporter, but you all should shut the h*** up until his contract runs out - shut up and teach." If I didn't know better, I'd think you were Seeker with a good spell-check. If you are so ashamed to work at USM, you can join the legions of others who have left Hattiesburg in the wake of Shelby's reign of terror....
quote: Originally posted by: N2ME "Gail LucasWilliam TaylorDon CabannaDr. Smith in the CJ Dept. but I do not know his first name. All were eligible to retire though, and some significance should be given to that. You do anything for 20+ years--even teaching--and you get tired of it."
I just realized something. The post subject asked for those who left BEFORE August 2003. Many of the ones being listed in this post left AFTER after December 2003. I am wondering what difference it makes though if it was before August or after December if the point is to show that so many faculty are leaving.
(2) If you think everyone who works at USM should shut up about Shelby Thames until his contract runs out, does that mean you think Shelby Thames should do whatever he wants to USM until his contract runs out?
For that matter... should he get his contract renewed for another 4 years, which is what he is said to want?
quote: Originally posted by: Robert Campbell "N2ME, (1) Have you ever heard of alumni associations?
You cannot be serious? You think the Alumni Association "orchestrated" a letter movement to the HA to attack the faculty? The president of that association would never allow such a thing.
You folks are now looking for anything to show you that the public cannot possibly think the faculty is wrong or bad for what they are doing. You folks are now blinded by your own version of what is right rather than wrong.
quote: Originally posted by: N2ME " You cannot be serious? You think the Alumni Association "orchestrated" a letter movement to the HA to attack the faculty? The president of that association would never allow such a thing. You folks are now looking for anything to show you that the public cannot possibly think the faculty is wrong or bad for what they are doing. You folks are now blinded by your own version of what is right rather than wrong. "
N2ME, we have proof from various Alumni Association members that they were encouraged to write letters supporting SFT (and in SFT's mind, supporting him=attacking the faculty). Since he attacked them himself (i.e. Stringer and Glamser), why would you not believe that he would encourage others to do the same?
And, you've gone way over the line in attacking LVN's letter so "unprofessionally." Difference of opinions are encouraged on this board--attacks on valued board members are not. You won't make friends here by doing that, FYI.
Did somebody trash me earlier? I was off the board all day and must have missed it. Looks like our Friendly Webmaster took down the post. Oh well, darlin' whoever you are, "sticks 'n stones" etc.
Thanks whoever said I was sage!! Can I print that out to show my family?? They'll be surprised.
I read through most of N2ME's posts before I discovered this apparent incident, and must say that N2ME is obviously proficient verbally and would be well served by taking a course in logic (if we still have a Philosophy Department) as well as a refresher in English Comp -- whoever taught him the first time skipped "critical thinking" -- I am not trying to insult this young person, but the posts are not logically coherent, although his intelligence is evident.
Ok, I see that something mean was said about my letter to the editor. Well, I am extremely flattered that someone remembers it from so long ago!
This is obviously someone who knows me, as there were other attacks by name on the FS board, and this may be the same person. Who at USM disliked me that much? I didn't teach, so a bad grade isn't the issue. I can think of a couple of staff it might be -- hmm, no, not my ex-husband, he has more smarts and isn't that interested in USM. Well, it's a mystery. LM, if it's you, none of us understands what you are mad about, none of us had any input into what happened to you, it all came down from the top. (Not Lisa Mader, btw.)
Thank you all for the sweet things you said in my defense. This is a great group of people.
quote: Originally posted by: LVN "Thanks whoever said I was sage!! Can I print that out to show my family?? They'll be surprised"
I am the one who said your postings were among the sagest I have seen posted on this message board. I hereby relinquish any copyright I might have on that statement. You may print it out and show it to whomever you like. I wonder how Noetic will feel about my relinquishing a copyright.
RE: Faculty/Staff who left USM prior to August 200
Professor of Psychology (and once Acting Chair of the Gulf Coast Division of Education and Psychology) Michael Allen to the University of Mississippi as Professor and Chair of the Department of Psychology.
Professor of Curriculum and Instruction (emphasis Elementary Education/Reading, formerly Chair of the Gulf Coast Division of Education and Psychology and now Professer at Barry University ) Nancy Masztal retired 2003.
Professor of Curriculum and Instruction (emphasis Elementary Education/Literacy) Janet Richards resigned 2003. Now, Professor at University of Central Florida.
USM Historian
RE: RE: Faculty/Staff who left USM prior to August
quote: Originally posted by: lumpy oatmeal "BTW, I know a few professors left the history dept. around the time Thames was installed: Ciccarelli, Spruell (formerly Wheeler),can't remember his name but he was head of Asian history. Anyone able to shed some light?"
Orazio Ciccarelli retired after some 30 years at USM. Marjorie Spruill married a professor at Vanderbilt in 2002 & moved to Nashville. She and her husband both will begin teaching at the U. of South Carolina this fall.
RE: Faculty/Staff who left USM prior to August 2003