Rumor has it that a faculty member on the coast did an end-run around dept chair and dean and went straight to Assoc Provost (down there) who approved raise that would have exceeded 20% of 9 month salary. Do not know if it was approved further up the chain. This happened in a college whose dean is very tight with the $.
Rumor has it that a faculty member on the coast did an end-run around dept chair and dean and went straight to Assoc Provost (down there) who approved raise that would have exceeded 20% of 9 month salary. Do not know if it was approved further up the chain. This happened in a college whose dean is very tight with the $.
You forgot the special "written justification" required for raises <3% or > 7%. A 20% raise would require writing a book.
No news in COH. Like all information in our college, information is passed via rumor, from the FS or from this website. Information from the Dean's Office??? FORGETABOUTIT!