I heard there was a move to ditch non-credit until the accred. problems that would cause were pointed out, then somebody realized the unit needed more $$ and bodies. Anybody know if that's true?
Varnado and Walker agreed to make office break even so positions were approved with that contingency. In the past, these programs were not assessed and that did cause an accreditation issue. Now, they are under control
Varnado and Walker agreed to make office break even so positions were approved with that contingency. In the past, these programs were not assessed and that did cause an accreditation issue. Now, they are under control
I'm not clear why credit and non-credit events need to be assessed . . . some of these events are staged by departments as community service, conference assistance -- which assist in departmental recruiting. Now the departments, already overstretched, also have to privide the logisitics and support for events that in face, assist the university in its growth.
I'm amazed at how the university persists in biting off its nose to spite its face . . . or pouring the baby out with the bathwater. etc. Find your own sick metaphor.
The point is the following -- the administration has essentially cast programs out on their own to sink or swim. Of course, if I go directly to anyone to raise money directly for my program I am going to get swatted by the college development office.
This is an absolute mess -- there is an incredible amount of short-sightedness goinging on here.
Varnado and Walker agreed to make office break even so positions were approved with that contingency. In the past, these programs were not assessed and that did cause an accreditation issue. Now, they are under control
Varnado and Walker? Who are these people? I'm clueless.
This is an absolute mess -- there is an incredible amount of short-sightedness goinging on here.
You are being much too kind in using the word “short sighted” instead of the more appropriate word which is "stupid".
None of the upper level administrators understand interdependence or incentives. Everything is an independent event in their world. They also have the 'Ground Hog Day Syndrome in that they believe that they can lie to you today and you will not remember tomorrow. The best predictive model in dealing with them is: (1) if their lips are moving, they are lying, and (2) if they make a promise, they intend to break as soon as they see the need.
Fred was involved with the McNair program for a number of years and did a great job. He is a young retired military officer with good people skills and compassion.