I wasn't trying to "pummel" anybody; it just occurs to me again and again that there are too many rogue elephants in the American living room for us to deny their existence any longer. A well organized, well funded "Christian" theocratic movement is one of the elephants that people simply refuse to see regardless of how destructive a rampage it goes on.
People have to "take Pat Robertson seriously," whether they want to or not, because he has the money and the connections to advance his agenda. And he's not alone either.
LVN wrote: I personally don't know anyone who takes Pat Robertson seriously. Even people I know who used to watch his program understand that he's gone off the rails.
Pat never was on any rails. Unfortunately, that includes the one he should've been run out on.
All of this is quite interesting. However, much of the opposition of liberals to the religious right is because liberalism is its own religion worshiping Hubert Humphrey, with its own religious dogma (beliefs), and a devil named George Bush.
All of this is quite interesting. However, much of the opposition of liberals to the religious right is because liberalism is its own religion worshiping Hubert Humphrey, with its own religious dogma (beliefs), and a devil named George Bush.
Cossack, How dare you to print out the name of H.H. It is blasphemy to write or speak that name. Show some respect!! Also Devil is only one of the names for George Bush.
All of this is quite interesting. However, much of the opposition of liberals to the religious right is because liberalism is its own religion worshiping Hubert Humphrey, with its own religious dogma (beliefs), and a devil named George Bush.
So you've read Ann Coulter's "book" Godless? Now there's someone who shouldn't be taken seriously.
"Dissenters cite Constitution In a dissent, four justices complained that the decision erases more than 90 years of Supreme Court precedent.
“It weakens, perhaps destroys, much of the practical value of the Constitution’s knock-and-announce protection,” Justice Stephen Breyer wrote for himself and the three other liberal members.
Breyer said that police will feel free to enter homes without knocking and waiting a short time if they know that there is no punishment for it."
Look, if you think this administration and its cronies on the courts and in Congress believe in Conservative principles like limited government, balanced budgets, and an America first foreign policy, then I've got a bridge in Brooklyn you can buy.
Deficits? They've never been larger, and discretionary spending on domestic programs has increased by the largest percentage since the Johnson Administration. All three branches of government are under Republican control, and all they do is oink for the pork, pork, pork. They make the Dem.ocrats seem like the party of fiscal responsiblity--and that's saying alot
Limited government? Try "No child left behind", where the Bush admin. has leveraged the paltry amount of federal money in public education to evicerate local and state control of the public schools. What ever happened to local standards for curriculum?
Iraq? No matter what your opinion of the war and how it has been conducted, you must agree that a war to bring democracy to a middle eastern country is right out of Woodrow Wilson's playbook. Its pure liberal internationalism. I ask you out there--do you REALLY believe that the Iraqi's are capable of formulating a stable democracy? I've got a much less optimistic view of Islam's ability to square itself with ideas of individual freedom.
Meanwhile, this administration cynically hypes up cultural issues like gay marriage six months before each election, without really doing anything about protecting the traditional family from real problems, like low wages and no health insurance.