9.0 Call to Order (Continuation of May 5, 2006 meeting)
10.0 Election of 2006-2007 Faculty Senate Officers
10.1 Election of Senate President-Elect
10.2 Election of Senate Secretary-Elect
11.0 Adjournment of May Meeting
1.0 Call to Order
2.0 Approval of XX and XX meeting minutes
3.0 Approval of Agenda
4.0 Officers' Reports 4.1 President
4.1.1 Gulf Coast Status
4.1.2 Raises
4.1.3 May motions
4.1.5 Cabinet meetings, meetings with Dr. Thames & Dr. Grimes
4.1.6 Distance Education Committee
4.1.7 Syllabus review committee
4.1.8 Shared Governance document
4.1.9 Other
4.2 President-Elect
4.2.1 Outsourcing
4.3 Secretary
4.4 Secretary-Elect
4.4.1 Facilities Management Plan
5.0 Committee Reports 5.1 Academic and Governance: Bill Scarborough, chair
5.2 Administration and Faculty Evaluations: Steve Oshrin, chair 5.3 Awards: Mary Lux, chair 5.4 Budget: Myron Henry, chair 5.5 Constitution and Bylaws: Randy Buchanan, chair 5.6 Faculty Welfare: Tim Rehner, chair 5.7 Government Relations: Dave Duhon, chair 5.8 Technology: Barton Spencer, chair 5.9 Elections: Paula Smithka, chair 5.10 Ad hoc committee reports and liaison reports
5.10.1 President’s Council
5.10.2 American Association of University Professors
Joe Olmi wrote: The Shadow wrote: Any word on who the new officers are? S. Judd: President-elect Joe, did the Senate pass the resolution as written? And was the media present?
If you mean the resolution regarding outsourcing of PP, yes. No, the media was not present.