The primary function of that facility is for the campus community. It will definately enjoy increased business from events (ie. football games, parties, etc).
Also, I think the menu is excellent ~ especially since all items are under $10.
Oh, somehow I had the impression that the purpose was to pull community people onto campus. Perhaps in the early discussions I got the wrong idea. Never mind. And I wasn't being critical of the menu, just that there wasn't any special reason for community people to go there.
They do put out a good gumbo--gotta give them credit for that recipe contest. The courtyard is outstanding, too. What a transformation
Hey der Boudreaux. Dat is my Nom on dis her board, ya. Better get ya another title. No offense taken. Who know, ya may be me brother or sister, yea. Maw had eleven of us ya know. Are ya related to dat Tibodreaux what has dat gater name T-Fred?
Thank goodness! Mlle. and I were completely mystified when we read the first post above signed "Boudreaux" as the writing style was . . . , um, not what one associates with our friend. We spent a good bit of time this afternoon wondering what could have happened. Had M. Boudreaux been taking a correspondence course in English? Was he actually NOT CAJUN? The possibilities were most worrisome. In fact, Mlle. was about to lie down on the chaise with a cool rag on her forehead, but the phone rang and she went out to lunch instead. However, she was so worried about M. Boudreaux that she was able to eat only half of her dark chocolate raspberry torte. For Mlle., that is a high level of worry.
A pleasant afternoon to you all.
Hermione Angleterre, Social Secretary to Monique de Guerre
PS Mlle. has just asked me to say "C'est la guerre!" on her behalf. She is now reclining on the chaise, but I suspect her distress is less about M. Boudreaux and more about lunch.