quote: Originally posted by: Seeker "Newgirl ...I do not think that all faculty members need to be fired. All of the SFT admin needs to be fired. I think that about 12-15 facutly members need to be fired, because they will not be satisfied with any admin that requires any measure of accountability from them. ..."
Seeker, what you wrote is BS. It's just a repeat of the spin SFT and Roy Klumb put out before the hearings. EVERYONE is accountable at USM. Faculty are evaluated annually and then must also fill out a Faculty Activity Report (FAR) on line. If there are faculty not doing their job it is their CHAIR that is responsible for not assigning them more duties. If there are negative annual evaluations for more than a couple of years, then post-tenure review kicks in.
Unless you evaluated faculty as a chair of a department, you can't KNOW faculty are NOT BEING ACCOUNTABLE for being unproductive.
I hope you at least understand why we get frustrated with your assertions (with no evidence) and the spiting out of the spin of Klumb and SFT.
You imply you know particulars by estimating 12-15 faculty. If so Name names and back up assertions.
We seem to be back at square one with you. But I will continue to try to communicate.
... Yes I know you guys are suffering, but it's a small percent of your own that has brought about a good deal of your problems. I know you will never believe or accept this, you will just throw more questions at me that you don't really want to know answers for. But, you could have helped yourself so much early on in the SFT admin, but you (your leadership) dropped the ball."
Newgirl didn't rebut this part of your post so I will.
Seeker, you forgot AGAIN to tell us WHAT the "small percent of your own that has brought about a good deal of your problems" DID. Other than what you told us yesterday "not having political connections in SFT home turf".
Please stop saying "I know you will never believe or accept this..." because I will if you would only, please, pretty please, PRESENT SOME RERASONS, FACTS OR EVIDENCE for your assertions.
I patiently await the reply form your beautiful planet. What was the name of that planet again?
quote: Originally posted by: Seeker "Newgirl I know Hattiesburg is SFT's hometown, but you have faculty members who have been professors here for 20 years or more, surly at some point during that time Hattiesburg had to become their hometown as well. I do not think that all faculty members need to be fired. All of the SFT admin needs to be fired. I think that about 12-15 facutly members need to be fired, because they will not be satisfied with any admin that requires any measure of accountability from them. Yes, some of them are outspoken leaders among the faculty some are not. Some of these individuals have no other goal than to be outspoken radicals who have little care for the students, the university or the rest of you who are suffering. Yes I know you guys are suffering, but it's a small percent of your own that has brought about a good deal of your problems. I know you will never believe or accept this, you will just throw more questions at me that you don't really want to know answers for. But, you could have helped yourself so much early on in the SFT admin, but you (your leadership) dropped the ball."
I do not understand how you define "accountability."
Currently, all faculty (including tenured faculty) are evaluated every year -- whether or not raises will be given.
Currently, all faculty must submit individual FAR reports to indicate their accomplishments (directly to the administration, bear in mind).
Currently, all faculty at least onace a year go through student evaluations (never mind the questions of whether those evaluations are either truly useful.)
All faculty on tenure track must go through a series of reasonably stenuous hoops in order to either get promoted in rank or to gain tenure.
These processes, in the main, are fairly transparent as they fo from department through the chair to the dean and collage level committees through the university committeee and provost and president. The results must then be verified by the IHL.
Excuse me, but exactly how is it that faculty members are not accountable?
Finally, if reference to faculty members (12 or 15) who you think "need to be fired, because they will not be satisfied with any admin that requires any measure of accountability from them" is simply bull****.
I don't think any of us fear an accountability we already experience. What we dislike is an administration that is not accountable, a President whose decisions are often arbitrary and (despite his much celebrated "scientific" background) subjective and emotional (and personal) rather than professional; and a management team that is disfunctional and motivated less by loyalty to the institution than the desire for personal and professional gain at the expense of the community they supposedly serve.
Look at where the power lies Seeker. It is not with the faculty. The treatment of Glamser and Stringer proves that. The fact that Shelby is still in office proves that. The fact that faculty are leaving in droves proves that.
Any time you have authority that controls the information, is a ble to act in secret, and doesn;t have to answer to those over whom it reigns you have a formula for abuse and corruption. That imbalance is what needs to be corrected. It has been an imbalance that was in place long before Shelby Thames -- but it took the presence of Shelby Thames to convince many faculty of the essential wrongness of our governance system.
This is my sixth university. I have seen better: I've never seen worse.
quote: Originally posted by: ram " Seeker-- Put up or shut up."
Seeker, ram has given you some good advice - put up or shut up. I realize that some folks on your campus get rather testy when credentials are examined. Nonetheless, just howdo your credentials qualify you to make the judgments you have made on this message board? All we know about you is that you say you are a straight, conservative, white fraternity boy from a well-connected "old Hattiesburg" family which was here when USM opened its doors. Do you really believe those credentials qualify you as an expert on these matters?
Chilren, Seeker swimmin in the deep end of the pool. Way over his head. Takin on folks who are intellectuals for a livin. Don't have the thinkin' trainin' to answer questions, is young, young guy, Don't know how to argue in "reasonable, coherent terms." Don' know what he's talkin about, in tother words.
quote: Originally posted by: MercyMe "Chilren, Seeker swimmin in the deep end of the pool. Way over his head. Takin on folks who are intellectuals for a livin . . ."
Mr. Wonderful hereby presents MercyMe today's Quote Du Jour Award. Congratuations MercyMe.
quote: Originally posted by: Mr. Wonderful " Mr. Wonderful hereby presents MercyMe today's Quote Du Jour Award. Congratuations MercyMe. "
Thank you for instituting this award. I assume there will be a Quote Du Jour Award banquet in a year's time in which to which all the winners will be invited and at which the top Quote Du Jour of the Year will be selected. My question: have you settled yet on a large enough convention center, and will black tie be optional or required?
Seeker--I have known Gary Stringer for years and I, along with everyone else who knows him well--at church, at school, at civic events--know him to be among the most ethical, honest, and hard working people they know. He can't be a better prof. He already is among the very best.
Seeker - you seek chaos, not truth. You have a wish to divert the truth rather than recognize it. I keep wanting to think the best thoughts about you, but you lead me to think not the best thoughts. I await your response. Hopefully, educator.
quote: Originally posted by: USM Sympathizer " MW, Thank you for instituting this award. I assume there will be a Quote Du Jour Award banquet in a year's time in which to which all the winners will be invited and at which the top Quote Du Jour of the Year will be selected. My question: have you settled yet on a large enough convention center, and will black tie be optional or required?"
Menu: Roy Klumb will be eating crow. Black tie optional (no bow ties, please).