As I've mentioned before, an RSS newsfeed containing the latest "headlines" posted to this board is available here. This link is to the "XML file" that can be entered into a standard news aggregator such as Radio Userland or Amphetadesk.
These options still presume a tech-savvy user & I know not everyone here considers him/herself "tech-savvy." So...
If you have a My Yahoo account, there is now another option for reading RSS newsfeeds. Here are the steps:
(1) Log on to your My Yahoo home page. Click the "Choose Content" button to go to the "Personalize Page Content" form.
(2) Under "My Yahoo Essentials," check "RSS Headlines (BETA)." Then click the "Finished" button to return to the My Yahoo home page.
(3) You may then click the "Change Layout" button to move the RSSified headlines to your preferred location on the My Yahoo home page.
(4) At this point, the RSS Headlines (BETA) section will appear on your My Yahoo page, but it won't be showing any headlines.
(5) Click the small "Edit" button at the right side of the RSS Headlines (BETA) header.
(6) On the "Choose your RSS Headlines (BETA) Module" form, enter the following in the box labelled "Enter a keyword, site, or URL":
(7) Under "Set Display Options," leave the dropdown menu set on "headline only." You may adjust the "show up to" number to display the number of headlines you'd like (up to 15 for this feed).
(8) Click "Finished" & the newsfeed should automagically appear on your My Yahoo home page.
This is a very new feature of My Yahoo & you can display up to 50 different newsfeeds on the page. In fact, Yahoo has a system that will even attempt to RSSify any website, although I've not thoroughly tested it. Using existing RSS feeds works fine, though.