LitterISee wrote: To say that she brought in "grant" money of that amount is absurd. It's pork barrel. Everyone knows that. ...
Are US Dept of Education grants not competitive?
Good question. There has been a shift in Dubya's priorities to cut money from highly competetive peer reviewed programs toward set asides that are much less competitive and driven by political considerations. The "gold standard" perhaps is the R-01 investigator initiated grant from NIH. Healthy research insitutions will have several in their portfolios. These are very competitive and indicative of world class research. We have none. The last one here was held by a biologist who left for Maryland. Psychology has held some also. Set asides and marks are also government grants, and can originate in a variety of agencies (like Ed). Who you know plays as an important role as what you know for many of these.
A COB faculty member just finished up a NIH grant and is on the second go around for a new one. That person also serves on a standing committee for NIH and will be reviewing proposals again in June. From discussions with that person, I would agree that this is a "gold standard" process. The panels are made up of faculty from the top universities in the country and the rejection rate is quite high. I would agree that the administration does not place a high value on NIH grants. A contract to do nickel and dime consulting is of equal or more importance if it has a dollar in it he can use. It really is short sighted because from what I was told, the NIH grants carry a lot of overhead money with them. The fact is that SFT is extremely parochial and has very limited knowledge and experience about how top-level universities operate. He has never been anywhere but USM except to go off to get his doctorate. But then, I am merely stating what most faculty already know including most of those who are on his team. Because those who support him are talently challenged, they are in it for the money and power.
The people at the State Dept. of Educ. even call her Pork Barrel Dana. If her daddy can't "git" it for her, she uses the less than professional means possible to seal the deal.
I know that there are some competitive grants that USM least one major grant that I know of from the National Science Foundation in Polymer Science (I know because I helped to write it when I worked there). So, there are some competitive grants that USM gets...just not many from NIH (esp. since USM doesn't have a med school). That's not so unusual for a univ. without a med school, acutally.
And, since NIH money is being cut this year, it's not the lucrative cash cow that it once was.
NIH funds a great deal of social science research that is health-related, but would not occur in a medical school setting. For example, the NICHD funds a tremendous amount of demographic and GIS-related research (including historical research).
USM has attracted some respectable grants in the nursing school. We are in a good position to attract grants related to health education, too. I seem to recall that we've had some large RO1's in that area in the last few years.
Its impossible to underestimate how important NIH money is to building a research university. Its budget dwarfs that of the NSF. Although I don't have the figures at hand, it is by far the principal research vehical of the Federal government. Congress made the decision to double its budget 1999-2003. Increases have slowed since then, but its still alot of money
Qwerty, you are right about the NIH budget as it relates to all other federal agencies, historically. But NIH is facing a cut across the board (can't remember the exact it 5% or more?), and this will impact so many. It will be interesting to see what happens with regard to NIH funding over the next 5 years or so.
Even with the cut in NIH funding, qwerty rightly points out that its budget dwarfs other federal agencies in a big way. Other disciplines besides medicine can get NIH money, but having a medical school makes you that much more likely to receive it. While USM researchers in Nursing and Psychology (and some other disciplines) may have received NIH funding in the past, I'm wondering what the likelihood will be for them to receive it in the future (due to cuts in Psych and Nursing plus the NIH funding cut). Time will tell...
Ms. Dana was an assistant professor here from 1990 - 1995. She was an assoc. from 1995 - 1998. Her battle to become a full was one of the last favors Aubrey K. handed to her (her scholarship and teaching were very poor). In 1999 she was a full professor who "somehow" became chair. Why the NCATE vita would not tell the truth is unsurprising considering the reality that fiction is truer than fact in the COEP.
Carpe Dethames wrote: Ms. Dana was an assistant professor here from 1990 - 1995. She was an assoc. from 1995 - 1998. Her battle to become a full was one of the last favors Aubrey K. handed to her (her scholarship and teaching were very poor). In 1999 she was a full professor who "somehow" became chair. Why the NCATE vita would not tell the truth is unsurprising considering the reality that fiction is truer than fact in the COEP.
So AKL's "ties" to the Thames family go back much further than we would know. Keep wondering what SFT is holding over his head.
Thames does have something on AKL. Miss DT has hinted at that for years. What he has on Uncle Aubrey is unknown to many of us. Don't rule out the Lucas return to presidential royalty though. SFT has been trying his best to figure out how Miss DT can move up the ladder. If she can't by title, then he'll be sure she does by salary. Looked at the vita - it's full of holes. Why can't she just tell the truth?
My adventure with Seymour at the University of Southern Mississippi (Unknown Binding) by Dana G Thames (Author) A tantalizing title indeed, made all the more intriguing by the concept of binding. Wonder who was bound, Dana or Seymour?
I chuckled when I noticed the "sponsored link" on the page for My Adventure with Seymour... :
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