I guess what surprises and bothers me most about our current situation is the anti-faculty sentiment we see in the general public and among USM “supporters.” Yes, SFT has been bad for the university, but we on campus pretty much knew what we were getting as president from the get-go. I think the anti-faculty letters and the negative posts on eagletalk have done the most to damage the university. (yes, I know I shouldn’t go to eagletalk, but sometimes I can’t help it). There is a recent ET post about faculty playing golf all day that has me all worked up.
I’m a faculty member. I get to work at 7:00/7:15 every morning. I stay all day. Sometimes I am in the office at night and on weekends. I take work home. I can’t log on to email without getting assignments and email from students. My advisees email me. My dean emails me. I answer all of them, whether I’m in the office, at home, at a conference, or whether it is Tuesday morning or Saturday evening.
I haven’t had a raise in 4 years. My health insurance and other expenses have increased. I’m not part of the SFT favored few, so I probably won’t get a “merit” increase this year. Or next. My friends and colleagues are leaving. I can’t, because I’m tied here by family obligations.
And then I read letters in the paper saying that all we need is a “day’s pay for a day’s work.” I hear our esteemed president and IHL board president talking about the need to clean house and it makes me so angry I could explode. I see letters in the paper from alumni with USM degrees circa 1950s and I wonder where this crap comes from. They repeat the same phrases: days work…clean house… It makes me believe that there really are talking points out there, that there really is a faculty-smear campaign, and I am ashamed that anyone connected with my university would have any part of a plan to trash the university by attacking its faculty.
Our summer enrollment is down almost 16%. This is true—I’ve seen the data. Alumni Association renewals are way down. I’ve heard football season ticket sales are down. I talk to current students and prospective students. This university is hurting badly.
I’ve been up since 4 o’clock this morning trying to work through my anger on this. Part of that time I’ve spent on the IHL web site looking for information that would prove we give a days pay for a days work. I’ve pulled out a few stats (this is from the IHL Management Report, January 2003, so most of the data is 2000/2001). I’m not sure why there’s not more current data available here. I’m too tired to analyze it, so somebody else may want to comment:
USM 3rd in state in average faculty salary (behind MSU and UM)
USM average salary $53,992; Southern Universities Group comparison $71,916
USM 2nd in enrollment behind MSU
USM 7th in appropriations per student ($5,802; MSU highest at $10,275)
USM 5th in instructional expenditures per student
USM highest ratios of students/employees at 1:8 (system ratio is 1:5; all others are 1:5 and lower)
USM 4th in cost of attendance
USM 3rd in credit hours taught by full time faculty (USM=212.8; UM=221.2; MVSU=267.5)
Projections are that in 2006 USM credit hours per faculty will be 230; all others project 225 or less
I know that when Peter Alexander was dean of the College of The Arts he had someone in the office do a comparative study of the departments in that college to comparable ones at other universities. In every category, the USM departments were more productive and did it with less money than other universities. If I remember, there were several schools like Louisville, Memphis, Houston, Alabama, Florida State in the study. The paper work for this study may be on file somewhere.
Magnolia, we are all with you on this one, if that helps. Your statistics are very good--have you thought of writing to the papers with them?
I've been thinking that we ought to host, instead of "take your daughter/son to work" day, a "take your neighbor (pastor, doctor, lawyer, accountant, small business owner) to work" day for USM. And yes, it would start at dawn, as we read our e-mail, and end at midnight as we finish grading papers. I know this sounds silly, but I can't think of any other way for nonacademics to "get it."
I once had to write a description of my day for a Dean at a previous school who was planning "a day in the life of the college" essay. It ended with me in the office at the xerox machine at 10:30 pm. And I was not alone there!
The real question is why do USM "supporters" bash their faculty. I've taught other places where the alumni respect the faculty, the normal state of affairs. State and Ole Miss alumni don't publicly belittle their faculty. The fact of the matter is that the USM faculty is much like the faculty at other universities in America. You can see that the faculty members leaving USM this year are going to good universities all over the country. What is very different is the way our faculty is being attacked. Why is this happening?
I've been thinking that rather than try to prove to the biased public how many hard hours we work each day (which is valid to a point, but do we want to always have to work 16 hour days?), that we should simply stop working more than 8 hours a day. What doesn't get done must wait until the next day or the next. I realize this will make faculty seem less "productive," but hell enough is enough - its time to restore the 8 hour day!
I totally agree about the 8 hour idea. If faculty did a day's work (8hr) for a day's pay, then USM would go under. They would have to hire many more faculty and staff to cover the other hours of work most of us do.
I do know that work can be sporadic and cyclical, though I do know that I put in more than 8 hours average per day overall... more like 9-10 hours.
I too am disgusted with the anti-facuty sentiment around Hattiesburg. I get myself worked up when an anti-faculty letter is written to the HA. You, the faculty should know, though, that students do appreciate the work you do. It is understood by students such as myself that a professor's job entails much more than teaching a few classes, but as far as the teaching aspect goes, we students really do appreciate the extra hours you put in. I enjoy having my papers or tests graded in a reasonable amount of time. I like having comments written on papers I write. I appreciate well-planned lectures that have substance and that are not taught directly out of a text. Just thought you should know that good, hard-working professors are appreciated by those who you influence the most...the students.
Originally posted by: foot soldier I've been thinking that we ought to host, instead of "take your daughter/son to work" day, a "take your neighbor (pastor, doctor, lawyer, accountant, small business owner) to work" day for USM.
Well, I feel much better now after church and Sunday lunch. You know, my neighbor, pastor, doctor, lawyer, accountant, etc. are sympathetic and supportive of the faculty. And I hear from my spouse who is a local businessperson that support for SFT has diminished considerably in the business community in the past few months.
So, what truly ticks me off is when I look at who is apparently writing those letters--SFT cronies--and I look at who ISN'T defending their faculty--USM administors--it sure looks like the Thames machine has a hand in the smear campaign.
I've seen the divide and conquer management technique at work on campus during the past 2 years: PUC, small groups invited to dine at the mansion in order to be given the "vision." I think that's what has happened here: small vocal group of big USM "supporters" against the whiny lazy faculty. And they think this is SUPPORTING USM?
Anti-faculty sentiment -- "cleaning house" -- "a day's work for a day's pay" -- it's all utterly sickening to me as a member of USM's faculty who has just resigned.
I am both very sad and very glad to be leaving Southern MESS. "Situation pending" for me means that I have chosen to leave -- felt I absolutely could not stay -- even though I am neither retiring nor going to another academic position. I didn't plan on leaving, but I look forward to a bright future elsewhere.
During my five years at USM (1999-2004) it has been my pleasure to teach many wonderfully talented students and to work with some absolutely first-rate colleagues (Mary Ann Stringer, another "situation pending," among them). Yet every time I sit down to rewrite my bio or resume I have to resist the temptation to pull a "reverse Dvorak" -- that is, simply omit any mention of USM whatsoever.
It's just very difficult for me to feel proud of having been associated with an institution whose administration wages war on its faculty -- an institution that is rapidly on its way not to the top, but to the absolute bottom.
But I am an honest person. I will continue to include USM in my bios and resumes. (By the way, I actually got tenure at USM, not at JCJC.) Hopefully after a few years, mentioning USM won't hurt as badly as it does right now. And with any luck, someday you, and I, and all of us, may all be able to cheer, with heartfelt sincerity, SMTTT!
Meanwhile, "to tyrants I will give NO QUARTER!" Nor another day's work. May the house be cleaner without faculty whiners like me in it.