I think it is time we begin a celebration. I know that we have a little over 13 months left before we fully celebrate but we need to start early.
I hereby give persmision for the use of my name, Maytwennie O'Seben, as the name of the observance. We need no daily revelry, carousing, jubilation, or merrymaking. We can begin to celebrate in our own way the fact that the end is nearer than we ever dreamed.
Those of us that are left have endured. We have friends that have moved on. We have seen great damage done to our institution. But, it's about over. We will have some things we have to accept in the nex 13 months. But, it's about over.
Let's get a new attitude. Let's begin to celebrate our new beginning. It can start now.
Good things can happen after bad dreams. We are awakening to a new era, a new challenge.
Maytwinnie O'Seben wrote: But, it's about over. We will have some things we have to accept in the nex 13 months. But, it's about over.
It ain't over 'til it's over.
And you may wake up from this "nightmare" to discover that it was only a bad dream compared to what comes next. Look at the recent MSU search & ask yourself if you'd trust the IHL commish with a secret search at an institution that isn't one of his "chosen two."
I'm looking forward to this May when Gary and Frank will again be allowed to criticize this administration according to the "agreement". I know they may choose not to speak out. But I hope they haven't become bashful during the past 2 years.
truth4usm/AH wrote: The Maytwennie O'Seben Celebration would be a fine name for the coming out party!
I respectfully disagree. The coming out party should have a better name than that...any ideas?
And, don't forget, I'm bringing the margarita mix!
Hey Truth, Maytwinnie O'Seben is the only name I have to offer. If someone has a better suggestion that's fine with me. I do think we should start the celebration now. It may not be over til it's over but we should begin to enjoy the beginning of the end.
We need to plan events and activities related to this celebration. Have something weekly. We can have many academic and cultural events tied to this celebration.
Maytwinnie's sole purpose in starting this thread was to remind us all that we are beginning to near the end of our great debacle. I do think it is time to begin to celebrate, to revive ourselves, to renew, and to rekindle.
I know that many people have toiled long and hard against the injustices we have faced. They need to be recognized for their courage and their contributions.
Maytwinnee O'Seben Celebration is not an appropriate name for our celebration. Ole Maytwinnie O'Seben is just a reminder that on May 20, 2007 we should be over the hump. I do think there are things we can do besides "fight the toad" to make our institution stronger in the post SFT era.
Can the Faculty Senate or the AAUP speerhead an initiative to plan a renewal for our institution? I realize that there are those that will say that "we must wait to see who the president will be." I say, we need to do this for ourselves. If we begin our renewal now we will be ahead of the game.
It may not need to start immediately but it should start soon. Someone in some organization needs to step forward to lead us in some type of effort to develop a plan for recovery.
We know that we must continue to "fight the fight" regarding the SFT miscues. We must also show some initiative in getting our ship on the right course prior to our new president arriving.
We should be smart enough to figure this out. Invest some time and effort at this point and we will be ahead of the game.
Be very cautious about celebrating early -- it may be wise to wait until we know who the IHL has selected to replace Thames. Who knows, it may be Dr. Dr. Angie Goodwin Dvorak minus Dvorak Goodwin.