Congratulations to all those students who took home awards at the Annual CoB Awards Banquet last night. The highlight of the event came when a marketing professor announced that an award was being named in honor of a distinguished alumnus (who was in attendance). The prof used the alumnus' distinguished career and last night's occasion to lecture the CoB Dean on leadership qualities. Good stare job/non-verbal cue!
13 days into the CoB's 8W2 term and students are still adding classes. That's the equivalent of 5 weeks of a traditional semester term. Are they losing sleep? Nah.
Congrats to all applicants for CoB Summer Research Grants. Your efforts were rewarded with stipends for this Summer. As you plan your expenditures remember that "the fun money is private money."
Look for more CoB exodus in the near future. There will be 2 announcements coming, from 2 separate departments. Good luck to those candidates. The State is providing 5% raises this year, which should help defray job search costs for next year's candidate pool.
"Dear CoBpride.board, I have enjoyed reading the newsletter and keeping up with College events. Thanks for reporting on the elimination of the MIS program. My son Bart was headed there next year to pursue that degree, but you saved us a trip. He's headed to Lousiana Tech now." Anne from Alexandria, LA
Thanks for writing Anne. We always enjoy hearing from readers. Be sure and tell Eagles in Alexandria and surrounding areas that the Tourism Management degree program is on shaky ground now too. CoBpride.board [Pr]