...." Going to class makes all the difference in your grades even if the class is dull. I often go to class even though I end up teaching myself the material because Woody’s quote has proven itself to be true. I never had outstanding grades in high school, but in college it seems to come so much easier because I have a choice. I can barely pass or I can excel, and I choose the latter."
This editorial is a nice little piece of work. I wonder if it were solicited by USM PR.
Unfortunately for Ms. Jordan, you must excel at USM just so you don't lose ground to students at other schools. USM's severe grade inflation and poor recent reputation mean that only our very best students have a shot at excellent grad or professional schools.
I tell all my better students not to attend grad school at USM. So far I've been fairly successful. The picture painted here is an innocent one, but it's like describing a Kodiak bear as cuddly.
I tell all my better students not to attend grad school at USM.
Good advice, Brownie. But don't do a disservice to your poorer students, Brownie. Only rarely and under unusual circumstances should a student attend graduate school at the same institution where the undergraduate degree was obtained.
I tell all my better students not to attend grad school at USM. So far I've been fairly successful.
Plus, if they attend grad school somewhere else, they have the chance to be influenced by someone who isn't as bitter and pessimistic as you are. Thank you for having your students' best interest at heart. Way to go!