If Dr. Thames is truly concerned about being accredited for anything, he had better have a good librarian and a good Library. He has already destroyed the English Dept - that is another necessity.
The two worlds are not the same. Teaching in Lib. Science is not living and breathing Lib. Science. Working with the new students, the new staff and faculty is different from the classroom in a huge way.
There is no possible way that Norton can guide the library in this new era.
No way. Impossible. And she must also surely realize that. Much of the focus of the USM Library School is on the public library side of things, and that does not prepare one in any way, shape or form for academic library work.
Let's understand the limitations here and get a search going for a great university librarian who can guide things into the next 15 years!
NO wrote: Nothing natural about it. The two worlds are not the same. Teaching in Lib. Science is not living and breathing Lib. Science. Working with the new students, the new staff and faculty is different from the classroom in a huge way. There is no possible way that Norton can guide the library in this new era. No way. Impossible. And she must also surely realize that. Much of the focus of the USM Library School is on the public library side of things, and that does not prepare one in any way, shape or form for academic library work. Let's understand the limitations here and get a search going for a great university librarian who can guide things into the next 15 years!
I think you're failing to grasp reality here. Thames thinks the library is a luxury. He's been cutting the library's budget for 3 years. Norton is a loyalist. Thames will give her a $50,000 raise and will give her the task of making sure lights are turned on and off. Forget about acquisitions, journals, electronic media, etc. When the new president comes in, he or she will replace Norton, but Norton will get to keep her pay bump. We'll soon find out how much that pro-Thames vote was worth to her.
You really don't have anything tangible to hang this on, right?
There will be a search committee and search to be done. The likely candidate will need to negotiate a better salary, since USM is way behind all others.
Norton is not interested, nor qualified. End of story. Starting crap like that rumor is ridiculous.
It is one thing to Teach library science courses. Mostly for public librarians. It is totally opposite to take the reigns of a research university library system.
Sorry, but your logic, or lack thereof, is the diminishment of your "reasoning".
Teaching in Lib. Science is not living and breathing Lib. Science. Working with the new students, the new staff and faculty is different from the classroom in a huge way.