1. There is a story circulating that 3 USM faculty are conducting a Glamser/Stringer-style investigation of something going on within the administration. They are supposedly well into it, and are not using office-related resources to do so. Oh, and it is being said that Tim Hudson is feeding info to them on a regular basis to speed things along. Thanks gorod.
2. Word has it that the Thames crises at USM is receiving more and more attention from members of the MS legislature, some of whom are rumored to be having meetings to discuss a plan of action to have SFT removed asap. Thanks grapevine.
3. Some are saying that the "emeritus for sale" story on the FS board some time ago is true, and that the auctioneer is none other than TH. Thanks pop.
4. There is a growing tale about SFT closing the USM CCD soon, perhaps in retaliation for a "snub" he feels about it. No more details (sorry). Thanks cryptic.
5. There is a story gaining legs that the IHL is afraid to oust SFT out of fear that he'll pack up his polymer science gig and head for the hills (i.e., another state). Thanks grapevine.
quote: Originally posted by: gurunuburg "2. Word has it that the Thames crises at USM is receiving more and more attention from members of the MS legislature, some of whom are rumored to be having meetings to discuss a plan of action to have SFT removed asap. Thanks grapevine."
If this is true, we may want to help speed the process along by contacting members of the legislature, and particularly members of the legislative educational committees. E-mail addresses for all these folks are posted in the "Useful E-mail Addresses" thread, which is now on the first page of the board. Sending them copies of the Saucier letter may be a good idea.
There is a growing tale about SFT closing the USM CCD soon, perhaps in retaliation for a "snub" he feels about it. No more details (sorry). Thanks cryptic.
If this happens, quite a few faculty, staff, and student parents are going to be up in arms. The SOB better not close one of the few "benefits" that USM folks get any more.
quote: Originally posted by: USM Sympathizer " If this is true, we may want to help speed the process along by contacting members of the legislature, and particularly members of the legislative educational committees. E-mail addresses for all these folks are posted in the "Useful E-mail Addresses" thread, which is now on the first page of the board. Sending them copies of the Saucier letter may be a good idea."
I just followed my own advice and sent the educational committees the Saucier letter; I hope others will also write to them, lest they think sentiment has changed thanks to the PUC.
quote: Originally posted by: gurunuburg "5. There is a story gaining legs that the IHL is afraid to oust SFT out of fear that he'll pack up his polymer science gig and head for the hills (i.e., another state). Thanks grapevine. "
Why would he do that? All of his contacts (i.e. Senators, Businesses, etc.) are in MS. He's spent his whole life in MS. Also, if he left, the PSRC would still be standing and I doubt other faculty/staff members would leave with him. There are probably as many people who dislike him in PSC as there are anywhere else on campus (and they would be glad to see him go, trust me!).
5. There is a story gaining legs that the IHL is afraid to oust SFT out of fear that he'll pack up his polymer science gig and head for the hills (i.e., another state). Thanks grapevine.
If SFT were to leave the state, the polymer program at USM would really take off. There is probably only one facutly member who would even entertain the idea of leaving with him. Currently the USM program has a heavy focus on paints and coatings...the very lowest end of the polymer value chain. Shelby has always said that his organization is tops in the nation, but it is the top of the bottom rung. No one else is really looking at coatings. They are too far down the 'food chain.' Most research programs are focused on the 'big ticket' polymer research...such as optical, pharmacological and bio-mechanical polymer research. Plus the hybrid research areas in nanotechnology that has huge potential in the polymer field.
If SFT were to leave tomorrow, ALL programs at USM would benefit! VUSM day!
quote: Originally posted by: gurunuburg "5. There is a story gaining legs that the IHL is afraid to oust SFT out of fear that he'll pack up his polymer science gig and head for the hills (i.e., another state). Thanks grapevine. "
Wouldn't IHL then be able to bill Shelby's private company for the real fair market value of the lab space they've been "renting?"
The labs, the equipment, the patents, etc., would stay put. I'm not sure SFT could afford to go into the real private sector with his shindig. All the safety nets that exist at USM would not exist elsewhere. He would actually have to take the risks that real businesspeople take & I'm not sure he has the courage or the experience to do that.
If the IHL is using this as an excuse, they are as gutless as I think they are. If this rumor has any basis in fact, SFT is BS'ing the board (or a few members who are willing to play along with him).
SFT is 68 years old. He's not going anywhere soon, except possibly to the house.
First, let us put one lie to rest. Shelby has no concept of what it is like to work in industry. IF he were to even try, he would be on the street within three months (probably sooner) with his desk items in a cardboard box and a pink slip in his shirt pocket. (But they would not just change the locks. Bad form!).
In corporate America, his attitude is not allowed.
Shelby's view of industry existed in some companies from WWII until the early 50's. By the late 50's they changed or went out of business.
As to going somewhere else. If he went to another university, he would be a very small minnow in a big pond. His ways of doing things would get him slammed. And his 'bookkeeping' would get him fired. The only reason he has been able to pull off what he has is because AKL would not deal with him and he knew it. See Saucier's letters to the HA. If proper regulations had been followed, SFT would have been gone a long time ago.
In case you have not noticed, SFT has always brought in companies to work with the polymer program. Then they leave. Why? He bleeds them and gives nothing back. They get mad and leave. Why is the polymer chemistry program a 'World Class' program when virtually no major corporations have been involved with the program? They refuse to deal with SFT. Plus every major corporation in the world has stringent business ethics policies.
Oh, less anyone forgets. SFT's brother is a CPA in town and has probably given him a lot of pointers on how to hide the money trail.
I would GLADLY sacrifice the polymer science program to be rid of Thames: somebody, please, take it, him, the whole kit & kaboodle. I would even personally pay to have his name taken off the PS building.
quote: Originally posted by: Outward Bound "5. There is a story gaining legs that the IHL is afraid to oust SFT out of fear that he'll pack up his polymer science gig and head for the hills (i.e., another state). Thanks grapevine. If SFT were to leave the state, the polymer program at USM would really take off. There is probably only one facutly member who would even entertain the idea of leaving with him. Currently the USM program has a heavy focus on paints and coatings...the very lowest end of the polymer value chain. Shelby has always said that his organization is tops in the nation, but it is the top of the bottom rung. No one else is really looking at coatings. They are too far down the 'food chain.' Most research programs are focused on the 'big ticket' polymer research...such as optical, pharmacological and bio-mechanical polymer research. Plus the hybrid research areas in nanotechnology that has huge potential in the polymer field. If SFT were to leave tomorrow, ALL programs at USM would benefit! VUSM day! "
quote: Originally posted by: truth4usm/AH "Where do you get your rumors from? Since you thank people, I'm assuming people send them to you via some email or other site? Just curious.
I've been wondering too. Since the people you thank don't seem to be regulars on this board (or at least I don't recognize the names) I was curious about who supplies you with your info. and how they get it to you.
I would GLADLY sacrifice the polymer science program to be rid of Thames: somebody, please, take it, him, the whole kit & kaboodle. I would even personally pay to have his name taken off the PS building.
(Sorry, couldn't get the quote function to work properly).
I would also gladly donate to the Polk School of Polymer Science and Faulkner Studies.