Papa Doc showed his best chops in a meeting with the chair of psychology this wonderful day (psychology haters out there--some red meat for y'all). Papa and his Polymer Provost, Igor, graciously provided the chair a bit of time to discuss the six pulled replacement advertisements for psychology. A few days ago, Papa Doc and Igor attempted to cancel the scheduled meeting with the chair and delay it until April. Papa Doc and Igor changed their collective mind after the chair pleaded his case for additional information. Papa Doc's reason for agreeing to meet? Well, pulling the wings off little baby birds does get old after awhile.
Here is a verbatim transcript of the meeting obtained by wiretapping the I-Tech wiretapping system:
Chair: Papa, let me show you some more data to support our case...
Papa Doc: I don't need to see no stinkin' data. That red-headed bimbo at the PUC gave me all the data I need to see.
Igor: What he said! What he said!
Chair: But some clarification would....
Papa Doc: NO HIRES! You want a diagnosis for your problem? You're ugly! I thought you were ugly from day one. You look even uglier to me today.
Chair: Huh? But Papa...
Papa Doc: Not enough information for you? You want a second opinion? Igor, tell the prisoner.
Igor (smiling and drooling): He's stupid too! Right boss? He's stupid too!!
Papa Doc (gurgling sounds can be heard): Take the helicopter over the rainforest and disappear him. Then find the bimbo and make sure she takes a dirt nap!
Igor (shuffling sounds in the background): Right away Papa. Right away.