Excuse me, folks, let's get back to the topic of this thread.
The assertion that "state universities now fund most of their budgets from external research grants" is nonsense. At state universities the two major sources of revenue are tuition/fees and state support. Anyone in higher education knows that.
The claim that a faculty group attacked a member of the adminitration is also nonsense. The representatives of the local AAUP chapter were looking into the claim on university press releases, on the university website, and on copies of various vitas, that the administrator in question held a particular position at a particular rank at a particular university - sources that are a matter of public record. The AAUP investigation and a subsequent one by the Faculty Senate confirmed that the inquiry was warranted.
A lawyer should be familiar with the law. The repeated use of the word illegal is troubling. During the public hearing of the charges against the faculty members, the attorneys for the university from a large national firm with offices in many cities including Jackson made no mention of illegal behavior. There was none.
False. You will never get the truth! However, there is more to the story than meets he eye or than we will ever know. Sounds to me like his "APPEAL" is a has been. His mission is now to protect UK from Tubby. If he had a real job he would have no time to play silly idiot games on the web. Go figure!