Mademoiselle de Guerre has taken to her chaise with a small cup of tea and a cool cloth on her forehead. When Mlle. will accept a cup of tea, I always know she is in a bad way. She has asked me to post a few comments on today's unpleasantness. I will attempt to do my best.
Mlle. de Guerre reminds everyone that we are en guerre (I hope that's correct.) We are still in a battle, and we must not wound our own soldiers. We have none to spare, more fall around us each day.
She also reminds posters that some gentlemen have great difficulty in being wrong, or even in compromising or giving way for a greater cause. Occasionally, she says, she remembers why she prefers to remain unmarried, fond as she is of gentlemen. She reminds these gentlemen that a little apology and forebearance go a long way. In fact, she noted that no one apologized to Professor Berman after it was made clear that he was not in control of our board. Ugly remarks were made, and none were retracted.
She is deeply mystified by the coyote situation, but empowered me to offer the services of Dervish if anyone is having wildlife issues. I too am baffled, but neither of us are from countries that have coyotes, so perhaps its a cultural thing we don't understand.
In closing, both Mademoiselle de Guerre, myself, and the entire de Guerre household extend our deepest friendship and support to all our many friends at USM, even those with whom we disagree. Mlle. also states that if she learns any of the Gentleman Callers or Honorary Gentleman Callers is found to be a participant in any further ugliness, they may expect a review of their status. You have been warned.
Good afternoon to you all.
Hermione Angleterre, Social Secretary to Monique de Guerre
PS this had been kept confidential until now, but Mlle. was approached about being a moderator, at least in a part-time capacity. Consultation and consideration led to a determination that her combination of temperament, champagne consumption, and level of technical skill were not optimum for that to work well.
Me n Thibodeaux just now hear bout de situation dat happen dis afternoon. We tink Professor Mitch should keep postin both under his name and other names,yea. If ya need help up der, me Thibodeaux and T-Fred can come up to help. T-Fred can help wit de wildlife problem, but he not fast,no. If Dervish can chase dem his way, T-Fred can fix dat problem fer ya. Ah garontee!
Many thanks, Mr. Boudreaux. I'm sure T-Fred would be helpful if needed. One finds the image of Dervish working in concert with him quite entertaining.
Mlle. has risen from her chaise and has been busy looking up information about coyotes. We now recall seeing one dash across the road once whilst we were enroute to the country house in far southern Lamar County. She wondered if perhaps that had anything to do with Professor Berman living in Lamar County. Perhaps the coyotes are part of a research project? That is her working hypothesis. Mlle. prides herself on having a scientific turn of mind.
Again, thanks to you Mr. Boudreaux and please extend our good wishes to your friend Mr. Thibodeaux. Is he out of rehab yet?
Just as you consider our postings as a potential reason to have never taken a husband, you remind me of the fact that the term "bachelor" came from French origin.
Isn't "dearie" Little Old Lady's line? Anyway, has it ever been made clear that Monique has never been married? I know she uses Mlle., but there was something - - - I can't remember. Somehow I thought there was an early tragic marriage or something. There was some mention of the French Resistance, but surely she's not that old. Although we don't actually know, do we?
I can sympathize with Mlle, having been married more than once. Gentlemen do have a hard time admitting that they are wrong, and we seem to have a lot of that kind of guy on this board.
As for croissants, if she's like me, she probably likes them warm with real butter and a little very nice jam, probably raspberry.
And whoever you are, I'm sure you're not a Gentleman Caller.
What an interesting amount of speculation about Mlle. de Guerre's private life. I feel it is somewhat unseemly. Mlle. would no more tell her age than she would tell her shoe size. As for the "C'est la piet" person I just do not know what to say. I do not believe "piet" is a real word in French. If it is, I cannot find it, and I hesitate to ask Mlle. directly. Perhaps M. Boudreaux knows? If it is a bad word, then you should be ashamed, poster.
However, rest assured this person is neither a Gentleman Caller nor an Honorary Gentleman Caller. In fact, he may be on our other list, the one entitled "Not to Be Admitted Under Any Circumstances."
Did we not post the rules for gentlemen last year? I shall try to locate a copy and post them again. Mlle. may even wish to make some revisions. The wearing or not-wearing of socks may not be quite the issue it once was.
Good evening to you all,
Hermione Angleterre, Social Secretary to Monique de Guerre
... I do not believe "piet" is a real word in French. If it is, I cannot find it, and I hesitate to ask Mlle. directly. Perhaps M. Boudreaux knows? ...
Me? I'm sorry, Hermione, but I don understand dat word, no. Course me and Tibodeaux don spell real good. We gonna ask Maria down da bayou bout dat word. She smart, yea, she finisted tird grade.