I've been finding the last 24 hours of postings quite out of character for people and noms I've known. I actually checked the moon phases to see if we were in full moon. (Yes, I know that the evidence for "lunacy" at this time of the month is anecdotal, but things had gotten rather bizarre.)
If you're bored with the board, check out this site for moon phases.
In the meantime, I hope we can all blink and get back to being our usual civil selves.
As one who follows astrology, I can tell you that Mercury is retrograde unti the end of the month. Mercury is the ruler of all kinds of communication, so it is no surprise to me that lots of miscommunication is happening right now. Whether or not you "believe" in astrology, it is interesting to note this and try to communicate more effectively during this month.
I know nothing about Astrology (which I suppose they teach at Vanderbilt) or Moonology (which I suppose they teach out on the left coast), but I do like those little fortune cookies they serve at the end of a Chineese meal.
Nostradamum wrote: truth4usm/AH wrote: Just because someone who WORKS at Vanderbilt enjoys dabbling in astrology doesn't mean that it is taught there. Just kidding. After today we could stand a little levity.