Welcome home Denise! This is huge. Anyone know the reason?
While one can't know the motives of any one person, is it reasonable to assume that any administrator above the department level who has aspirations to be a player in the next administration be well advised to disassociate him or herself from the current administration well in advance of the transition? A political scientist might be particularly equipped to speak to that question.
I heard that von H is just the beginning for associate deans. Nugent and Niroomand are supposed to be doing the same thing in the next couple of weeks or so. This could create some new momentum.
I heard that von H is just the beginning for associate deans. Nugent and Niroomand are supposed to be doing the same thing in the next couple of weeks or so. This could create some new momentum.
I heard that Jeannie Gillespie was offered the assoc. dean's position. Anybody want to confirm this?
Don't know about an offer to Jeannie Gillespie, but I understand David Davies from Mass Communication and Journalism is now working in the CoAL Dean's Office. Did he assume the AD position held by DVH? Steve Moser is an AD in CoAL, too.