The remaining econ faculty declined an offer yesterday. More will likely come out about this one soon. Expect anywhere from 2 to 4 more economists to leave soon. Also, a finance faculty is sitting on an offer and may go. No word on who the USM "applicant" (from CoB) is that was reported by someone at another institution on this board.
One person in marketing still in the Dean pool at another University. Two to 3 MIS faculty will also likely be gone by this time next year. I'm told that one, maybe two, finance faculty will leave by end of next year. One in management will be looking to leave after next year as well.
The only thing the CoB will lose when faculty choose to leave is quality. The CoB will lose quality researchers who can move to other schools to escape the acridity. The CoB will lose quality teachers who can find jobs at other schools with better prepared students and equivalent or favorable teaching loads. The CoB will lose quality colleagues who could flourish in a supportive environment. What the CoB will not lose is a group of non-researching, lazy-teaching, backstabbing, generally unethical faculty who are tied to PERS and will never be able to get another job and who support the dean who facilitates their web of misdeeds.