Professors are not administrators, so they should not try to administrate. They should teach.
The University of Southern Mississippi faculty wants the public and the students to think the greatest crime at the university is President Shelby Thames. Actually, the greatest injustice is a faculty that puts its own interests above those of the students.
With every unanimous vote coming from the Faculty Senate, I have to believe that every USM instructor has forgotten what it means to be an instructor. The faculty clearly no longer cares about educating students — which is supposed to be the true function of an instructor.
I have left USM, Hattiesburg, for William Carey, Gulfport. The instructors here do what they are expected to.
These letters make me so angry. It is being said that the faculty are encouraging students to be vocal in this matter. As I have said before, I have a mind and am capable of thinking for myself, contrary to what this man will have the public to believe. Does he think that USM is breeding a bunch of young adults who can do nothing but blindly follow. I don't think so. No faculty member has ever encouraged me to attend protests, wear a No Quarter button, nor put an "Impeach Thames" sticker on my car. I do these things because, in MY opinion, Thames must go. He is doing wrong for the university and should move back to PS where he can do something useful.
quote: Originally posted by: usmstudent "These letters make me so angry."
Hmm. “Teachers should teach; administrators should administrate.” Hasn’t that phrase appeared in about 5 letters recently? Several months ago there was a flurry of letters that all referred to the faculty senate (I guess) as “those 20 people, who represent only themselves.” And, more recently, we all voted no confidence “without waiting for the facts to come out.” Leaving aside the fact that all of those and many other catch phrases are patently absurd, they do make me curious. What is the mechanism by which these talking points are distributed? And why do the local newspapers continue to print these? It appears to be the same letter over and over with different signatures.
Hmm. “Teachers should teach; administrators should administrate.” Hasn’t that phrase appeared in about 5 letters recently? Several months ago there was a flurry of letters that all referred to the faculty senate (I guess) as “those 20 people, who represent only themselves.” And, more recently, we all voted no confidence “without waiting for the facts to come out.” Leaving aside the fact that all of those and many other catch phrases are patently absurd, they do make me curious. What is the mechanism by which these talking points are distributed? And why do the local newspapers continue to print these? It appears to be the same letter over and over with different signatures."
These are good questions for the PUC to ask Thames. Another is "why the University PR department never offers a defense of the faculty, but never fails to defend the president?".
quote: Originally posted by: tvscene " I have left USM, Hattiesburg, for William Carey, Gulfport. The instructors here do what they are expected to. Kerry CantonGulfport "
...and perhaps, there, the administrators do what THEY are expected to do? I don't suppose that includes the wholesale destruction of existing colleges, the planting of handpicked mouthpieces in place of established deans, e-mail surveillance and meritless accusations of criminal conduct lodged at faculty?
Professors ARE administrators. They administrate their classrooms, which increasingly has become impossible under the Thames administration--freshman level core classes in my department will soon have upwards of 100 students per section, thanks to the faculty exodus spurred by Thames.
It looks like Thames is now attempting to turn the tables on the faculty by having his supporters write letters blaming the faculty, should his goal to be the largest uni in Mississippi not come to fruition.
We have all heard stories of Darth Mader contacting Shelby supporters to have them write letters. And we all heard about the presidential arm twist Jeff Bower received, urging him to attend the pro-Shelby rally a couple of months ago.
I believe someone is still coordinating the pro-Shelby letters.
quote: Originally posted by: Fire Shelby " . . . . . It looks like Thames is now attempting to turn the tables on the faculty by having his supporters write letters blaming the faculty, should his goal to be the largest uni in Mississippi not come to fruition . . . . .'
The largest in Mississippi, huh? Well, Cowboy's Sweetheart can say for sure that size does not count. Consider, if you will, the outstanding smaller liberal arts colleges such as Swarthmore, William & Mary, Colby, Williams, Davidson; or the smaller universities such as Tulane, Brown, Vanderbilt, Wake Forest. Size, indeed.
have left USM, Hattiesburg, for William Carey, Gulfport. The instructors here do what they are expected to.
Yes, it is easy to "do what you are expected to do" when you have support, encouragement and respect. WCC is beomeing a haven for those who just can't stomach the Shelboo way!