The minutes report Trellis Green said everyone is busy... Let's meet later... Thames said, no, lets meets a couple of times real quick...
Wonder why? Thames is on a deadline to report to IHL that he has successfully solved the communication crisis.
Unforutnately for poor PUC, they will never know what he reports, because it will be in executive session. All he has to prove is that he had the meetings and then the rest is up to his spin machine.
Naw, PUC is not being used. I'm sure they can disprove something they know nothing about, especially since IHL won't ask them. Good Luck, PUC. Hope you don't get F***ed.
It would seem to me that the committee members would submit their own written report to the IHL and perhaps to the media. There's nothing preventing that is there?
quote: Originally posted by: Outside Observer "It would seem to me that the committee members would submit their own written report to the IHL and perhaps to the media. There's nothing preventing that is there?"
The PC should submit nothing, should do nothing, and must disband immediately. Otherwise, the only interpretation left of these poor committee members is that they love the dear leader so much that they are willing to help him any way possible, while everyone continues to get screwed.