The words still sting. How many of you in the CoBMoB know that Dean Doty turned down the Oklahoma State dean position to stay at USM and finish the task of taking the CoB into the Top 100? Not only that, he made a phone call and got his good friend Dean SF at Miss State the position. You speak of him as if you don't know these things, but I know you do, and I know about your agenda.
There's no doubt who's running the college. When the associate dean is walking toward the dome, Dean Doty sent him there. When a department chair works hard to save a major, Dean Doty set the stage for that. If you've watched the USF video as closely as I have, you know that sometimes he has to trick his faculty and administrators into doing things he wants done. That's the genius of the man. Get over it and get with the program.
If I read your initials correctly , some of these folks have been at USM for what...20 years??!!
Well, I'm not in COB, but I had 20+ years when I resigned. The choice between "hanging on, waiting through the SFT administration" or "moving to better opportunities" was complicated by the time I had in PERS. Right now, I'm hoping that PERS doesn't go bankrupt until I'm "old enough to officially retire."
My favorite thing from the USF video went something like "I married the first woman who intimidated me to death. Now I'm not so sure that was the best decision strategy..."
That's funny, because I'm starting to believe that maybe she's the one defending him on the AAUP board.
Who else would act as if they know so much about what he does, yet really know so little about what he does.
I'm hoping that PERS doesn't go bankrupt until I'm "old enough to officially retire."
From the data I've seen, PERS is doing quite well. I've heard that it as one of the strongest public retirement systems in the nation. One of my friends, retired from state service for many years, says her thirteen check continues to get bigger and bigger.
The words still sting. How many of you in the CoBMoB know that Dean Doty turned down the Oklahoma State dean position to stay at USM and finish the task of taking the CoB into the Top 100?
I didn't know about the Okie State job, but was aware that Dean Doty turned down a joint appointment as Professor of Marketing and Head Football Coach at Stanford, a deal that would have paid him in excess of $1.5 mil per annum. What better indication of his unflagging committment to USM and the COB than this selfless decision? Surely we can no longer question that Dean Doty is a leader of courage, visionary, a great man.
This thread may grow to rival the Bud Ginn thread in the number of posts. Do these guys know each other?
Yes, it's rumored that Doty may be the product of a long ago liaison involving Ginn and a yet unidentified USM "Faculty Grande Dame," hence his puzzling reluctance to leave Hattiesburg for one of the many positions offered over the past year. He's getting in touch with his roots, and hoping to forge a relationship with ole Bud.
There is a story in the CoB that one of Doty's peops was sent up to the third floor by Doty to spread the news that the Dotys were remodeling their home and had no intention of leaving USM any time soon. This was apparently meant as a threat to his so called enemies.
2 faculty in ecofinib are now sitting on offers. One in econ and the other in fin. The ib is already accepted for Missouri.
There could be some more news on these in the coming days. The econ one is reportedly leaning against; no word on the fin. The ib departee is getting out in mid May. Car is already packed.
Chair BB is angling for a big counter offer from Doty with the SIU-C thing. My take is that he will get one, just now sure how "big." My guess would be about $8K.
Chair BB is angling for a big counter offer from Doty with the SIU-C thing. My take is that he will get one, just now sure how "big." My guess would be about $8K.
All of the economists that resigned recently were given counter-offers. In one case the amount was astronomical. News travels fast about these things.
Chair BB is angling for a big counter offer from Doty with the SIU-C thing. My take is that he will get one, just now sure how "big." My guess would be about $8K.
If he gets that, or maybe a little bit more, he will be second highest paid in the college. Geez.
ambassador of the quan wrote: Unlike Southern Miss, USF has a doctoral program(s). He told them: "I love doctoral programs." I have no way to evaluate this, but I truly believe it. He talked about how he coauthored a paper with one of his former PhD students and they had it accepted at the Journal of Business Research.
quan to english wrote:
He also said on the video that he doesn't coauthor with junior faculty at places where he serves as administrator. Guess he has no problem walking up a flight of stairs to submit papers to journals edited by faculty that work where he serves as Dean. No pressure there.
Assuming he did "walk up a flight of stairs. . .," it is interesting that he would deal with an out-of-his-area area editor (marketing) instead of the strategic management/OB area editor.
Assuming he did "walk up a flight of stairs. . .," it is interesting that he would deal with an out-of-his-area area editor (marketing) instead of the strategic management/OB area editor.
Yeah, but that guy's in Canada at Concordia University. Not too sure how much sway the dean's office at USM has over that guy.